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The impact of vaccination is a hotly contested topic, given the current state of global health. The value of vaccination and immunization, however, cannot be overstated. Vaccinations have contributed to a decrease in sickness, disability, and death in numerous infectious diseases. The prevalence of nine vaccine-preventable illnesses, including measles, mumps, and smallpox, has decreased by 90%, and several have been eliminated or reduced to 99% or more, according to a recent article (Habersaat & Jackson, 2019). Advanced-practice registered nurses can significantly impact their patients’ long-term health by educating their patients on the importance of vaccines as part of their preventative care.
The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control published a current immunization schedule guideline suggested by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for use by healthcare professionals. Age group, medical condition, and other indicators are used to present the recommendation. Due to their high-risk status, patients between the ages of 11 and 18 should receive vaccinations for H. influenzae type B, Pneumococcal 13, Meningococcal B, and Pneumococcal 23, as well as catch-up doses of the inactivated polio, MMR, varicella, and hepatitis A vaccines (Committee on Infectious Disease, 2020).
For the age ranges of 11–24, 25–64, and 65 or older, influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Td/Tdap), and varicella is advised (Committee in Infectious Diseases, 2020). Pneumococcal 13, Pneumococcal 23, Hepatitis A, and Meningococcal B vaccines are widespread throughout all the age ranges mentioned above and were advised for people with high-risk factors (Committee on Infectious Diseases, 2020). Measles, mumps, and rubella are generally advised against for people ages 59 and older (Committee on Infectious Diseases, 2020).
When children reach adulthood, females up to 25 years should routinely receive three doses of the human papillomavirus vaccine, while males up to 21 years should routinely receive it, but only if at high risk for males of ages 22–25 years (Murthy et al., 2022). It is crucial to adhere to the recommended standards when caring for patients, especially those of us who will eventually become nurse practitioners. This is because vaccines have been shown to have major positive effects on people’s health and finances and to be efficient ways to enhance public health.
When administering vaccines to immunosuppressed or immunocompromised individuals, there are unique considerations. Immunocompromised individuals must receive vaccinations because their host defenses are compromised, increasing their chance of contracting illnesses that can be prevented. When using novel therapy modalities, it might be difficult for healthcare professionals to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations for immunodeficient patients. Data on safety have not been thoroughly investigated in those who have received these vaccines. Several immunosuppressive medications diminish the vaccine response, according to a literature review on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines about immunosuppressive therapy (Papp et al., 2019). As a result, vaccination must be administered before therapy begins. For instance, the live zoster vaccine is safe and effective when receiving immunosuppressive therapy, even though the herpes zoster vaccine is not recommended for immunocompromised individuals 19 years of age and older (Papp et al., 2019). According to most standards, vaccinations should be administered two to four weeks or more before the commencement of immunosuppressive therapy.
Another illustration is the influenza vaccine, which is advised as a routine annual vaccination for all age groups mentioned above in most immunization guidelines. According to Caldera et al. (2021), influenza can aggravate lower respiratory infections and lead to atypical symptoms such as rhabdomyolysis and myocarditis in people with compromised immunity. As a result, professional recommendations urge immunocompromised individuals to receive an annual influenza vaccine. However, the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in immunocompromised people may differ based on several variables. A second dosage of the flu vaccine had no extra benefits, according to a study (Caldera et al., 2021). The same paper indicated that, compared to those who got a regular dose across all age categories, patients receiving chemotherapy who received a high dose of influenza IIV did not exhibit any changes in seroprotection or seroconversion (Caldera et al., 2021). As practitioners, we can follow the instructions but must individualize patient care and treatment to meet their requirements and risk factors.
Caldera, F., Mercer, M., Samson, S. I., Pitt, J. M., & Hayney, M. S. (2021). Influenza vaccination in immunocompromised populations: Strategies to improve immunogenicity. Vaccine, p. 39. to an external site.
Committee on Infectious Diseases. (2020). Recommended childhood and adolescent immunization schedule: United States, 2020. Pediatrics,e20193995. to an external site.
Habersaat, K. B., & Jackson, C. (2019). Understanding vaccine acceptance and demand—and ways to increase them. Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz, 63(1), 32–39. to an external site.
Murthy, N., Wodi, A. P., Bernstein, H., McNally, V., Cineas, S., & Ault, K. (2022). Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended immunization schedule for adults aged 19 years or older — United States, 2022. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 71(7), 229–233. to an external site.
Papp, K. A., Haraoui, B., Kumar, D., Marshall, J. K., Bissonnette, R., Bitton, A., Bressler, B., Gooderham, M., Ho, V., Jamal, S., Pope, J. E., Steinhart, A. H., Vinh, D. C., & Wade, J. (2019). Vaccination guidelines for patients with immune-mediated disorders on immunosuppressive therapies—executive summary. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, 2(4), 149–152. to an external site.