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WU Staying Up to Date on Research Discussion

WU Staying Up to Date on Research Discussion


Think back to Week 1 in which you identified the research skills you wanted to strengthen in this course. In what ways have you practiced, refined, or honed those skills? How has your knowledge of evaluation grown? And have your own intended outcomes been achieved? To remain an evidence-informed practitioner, you must continue to use what you have gained throughout this course. Research knowledge and skills are like muscles—if you do not use them, they will atrophy. You have an ethical obligation as a social worker to exercise and flex those muscles and to stay current in practice trends and research. 

In this final Discussion, you reflect and self-evaluate your work in this course and how you might apply it going forward as an evidence-informed practitioner.


Required Readings

Evaluation Studies

Resources for Remaining Current as a Researcher and Practitioner


  • Reflect on your growth and on the specific knowledge and skills you have gained through this class. How might the knowledge apply to your future social work practice, and how might you share it with others in the work setting?
  • Review the websites in the Learning Resources that provide opportunities for remaining current and engaged as an evidence-informed practitioner. Consider which strategies you will use to stay up to date on evidence-based interventions and programs. 


Post an analysis of what you have learned in this class. In your analysis: 

  • Identify the specific knowledge and skills you have gained and how you intend to apply them in your agency or future work.
  • Consider how you might share your new knowledge with colleagues.
  • Identify strategies that you will use to remain current as an evidence-informed practitioner in your area of interest.


Respond to at least two colleagues by doing the following:

  • Note similarities and differences between how you and your colleague intend to apply knowledge in your agency or future work.
  • Identify an additional strategy your colleague could use to remain current as an evidence-informed practitioner in their area of interest

Response 1 to CMF

Specific Knowledge and Skills Gained

Within the course of the term, I have learned how to effectively research subject matter by critically thinking about the terms to search and assessing which articles would provide the most up-to-date and accurate information. I have accomplished this by comparing multiple articles, looking at publication dates, and noticing themes within the articles, such as where the authors collected their data. 

Applying these skills to researching topics within my career will be helpful to wade through information that may be outdated and, therefore, inaccurate. When looking at multiple research articles and peer-reviewed articles, there should be data in all of the articles that are repetitive. Subscribing to quality media such as The New Social Worker will support new social workers and stay up-to-date on new methods and research occurring within the field. 

Sharing Knowledge

Having conversations within group supervision would be an effective way to share my new knowledge on how to ensure that the topics being researched for the agency are being researched in a way that will be the most accurate. Subscribing to services that house published journal and research studies is also another way to advocate for agencies to stay up-to-date on new methods or new studies. 

Staying  Current as a Practitioner

Joining social work networks, communications, and associations such as the National Association of Social Workers, The New Social Worker, Association of Social Work Boards, local social work groups within your community, and setting up journal alerts are all ways to stay current and updated on new research and publications (Walden University, 2022). Continuing education hours is part of complying with licensure requirements when holding an Advanced Practice Social Worker license in Wisconsin. Working at an agency that provides training opportunities to uphold the license is a way to stay in compliance and continue working as a professional social worker. 


Information for PracticeLinks to an external site.. (n.d.).

The New Social WorkerLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). 

Response 2 to DM:

Identify the specific knowledge and skills you have gained and how you intend to apply them in your agency or future work.

I have effectively learned how to research specific subjects by thinking about the specific needs of certain populations. I have learned how to utilize research databases to gain the knowledge I need in peer-reviewed articles and carry the knowledge into real-life situations for the future of research in social work. Comparing articles with various topics throughout the research of this topic I have learned the pros and cons of researching topics as well as there is not much research done on a topic, prompting me to want to possibly conduct research of my own with the populations I will be fortunate to work with.

Consider how you might share your new knowledge with colleagues.

Sharing this knowledge with colleagues through communication and networking with policymakers and community leaders. Presenting evidence-based topics that have had research and having a discussion on how we as a community can implement or change how certain populations may benefit from the research.

Identify strategies that you will use to remain current as an evidence-informed practitioner in your area of interest.

In remaining current as an evidence-informed practitioner, becoming part of and remaining part of the NASW National Association of Social Workers, becoming a member of our local and state social work groups as well as nationwide, listening to podcasts,s and lastly remaining a member of the ASWB Association of the Social Work Board.

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