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WU Psychopathology Causes and Treatment Discussion

WU Psychopathology Causes and Treatment Discussion


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Psychopathology can be said to be abnormal psychology, which can influence cognition, behavior, and relationships. Psychopathology can be caused by multiple factors ranging from biological, psychological, social, cultural, and interpersonal. Biological factors have a major role to play, as some conditions can be passed through genetics. Conditions that are caused by genetic mutations can be passed from one generation to the other through the defective gene. A family history of certain conditions increases the risk that one will develop the condition (Smoller et al., 2019). Some conditions that are genetically transferred include schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Poor neurological development can cause patients to develop mental health issues. For example, neurodevelopmental issues such as autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder develop when neurological pathways are poorly developed.

Psychological factors can also cause psychopathology. Poor thought processes and cognitive patterns can result in an individual developing a mental health condition. For example, when a patient is having troubles in his life and decides that drinking can help relieve the problems, they may develop an addiction from the drinking behavior. Social factors are also a major contributor to the development of psychopathology. When a patient has a hard time adapting to social normal, they are likely to develop a mental health condition in the long term (Lervåg, 2020). Poor adaptive skills to social norms often result in people developing adjustment disorders. Cultural factors are a major determinant of whether an individual will develop and be treated for their mental health condition or not. For example, some cultures recognize and accept the existence of mental health conditions. As a result, when a patient has the condition, they are treated quickly, preventing development or progression. In cultures where they are not normalized, it is likely that the patient’s condition will advance, causing more effect on the patient’s health (Kalin, 2020). Interpersonal relationships can be a major factor in developing psychological conditions (Lervåg, 2020). For example, when a person has problems developing interpersonal relationships, they are likely to develop an avoidant personality disorder. Therefore, there are many reasons why a patient can develop psychopathologies and understanding them is critical in the treatment process.


Kalin N. H. (2020). Early-Life Environmental Factors Impacting the Development of Psychopathology. The American journal of psychiatry, 177(1), 1–3.

Lervåg A. (2020). Editorial: Some roads less travelled-different routes to understanding the causes of child psychopathology. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 61(6), 625–627.

(taquana)Psychopathology is the outcome of a complex interplay of many diverse variables from the biological, psychological, and social realms. From a biological viewpoint, genetic and neuro-scientific components are critical. Individuals having a genetic predisposition to certain diseases may be more sensitive to them because certain genes may enhance vulnerabilities. With a family history of depression, it may increase a person’s likelihood of developing the disorder due to a genetic predisposition (Lincoln et al., 2022). Anxiety and schizophrenia, according to neuroscience, may be caused by abnormalities in neurotransmitter systems such as serotonin or dopamine, which impair mood regulation and cognitive function.

Psychological factors include behavioral, cognitive, affective, and developmental components. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop as a result of repeated exposure to stressful circumstances, which is an example of a behavioral component (Mesce et al., 2022). Learned reactions to environmental cues are also examples of behavioral variables. Cognitive processes, such as negative thought habits, may impact disorders such as depression or anxiety. Emotional dysregulation is the inability to control one’s emotions, which is seen in disorders such as borderline personality disorder (Waldman et al., 2023). A person’s vulnerability to sickness later in life may be influenced by their personality and how it developed throughout development, including early experiences and attachment patterns.
Interpersonal, societal, and cultural factors all have an impact on psychopathology. Social support networks can act as insulators, buffering people from the onset of diseases (Barry et al., 2023). Disorders such as social anxiety or depression, on the other hand, may be aggravated by a lack of appropriate social support. Cultural standards impact how individuals express their sorrow; what is considered pathology in one community may be considered acceptable in another. One socioeconomic circumstance that may enhance stress levels and a person’s vulnerability to disorders is poverty. Interpersonal factors like abusive relationships or a history of abuse can contribute to the development of disorders like complicated PTSD or borderline personality disorder (Kellman & Radwan, 2023). Psychopathology is the outcome of a complex interaction between an individual’s inherited vulnerabilities, brain makeup, emotional and social contexts, cultural norms, and interpersonal interactions. The interactions between these elements and the effects they produce are complicated.
Barry, T. J., Takano, K., Hallford, D. J., Roberts, J. E., Salmon, K., & Raes, F. (2023). Autobiographical memory and psychopathology: Is memory specificity as important as we make it seem?. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 14(3), e1624.… to an external site.
Kellman, J., & Radwan, K. (2023). A developmental line for affects: The relevance of contextualization of affects for the psychodynamic treatment of early developmental psychopathology. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 22(2), 124-137.… to an external site.

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