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WNCC Personal Life and Experiences Outline

WNCC Personal Life and Experiences Outline


The purpose of this speech is to introduce yourself. You can include information related to your

personal background, professional experiences, hobbies, future goals, or any other information you
think helps the class get to know you.
This assignment is worth 100 points.. Read the requirements and follow the instructions carefully.
Checklist for Self-Introduction Speech Assignment
1. ?Become familiar with the assignment.
? Download and save to your device or print out a copy of the packet.
.? Read through the entire document to get a sense of the requirements and the available
2. ? Read the Assignment Overview to understand the goal and expectations of the assignment
? Be able to describe the purpose, format, and due date.
? Be able to explain the critical features assessed in the speech, including: introduction, body,
conclusions, transition and delivery of the speech.
3. ?Complete the Speech Prep Sheet
? Brainstorm your ideas.
? No sources required for this speech
? No visual aids required or allowed for this speech. Just you, the camera and notecards.
? Fill out the Prep Sheet to help you construct your speech. The prep sheet is short, yet a
critical element for your assignment.
? Recommended: construct an outline of your speech to help you prepare.
4. ?Complete the Speech Outline worth 20 points.
? Read through the outline document (below) for the format.
? Be able to describe the key criteria including introduction, body, conclusion, delivery, and
time. (NOTE it’s different from the Prep Sheet task)
.? Draft your responses in the speech outline. Anticipate 2-3 versions.
? Read your draft out loud, with consideration of the voice and time criteria of the rubric.

? Optional: Schedule a meeting with Communication Center Consultants for feedback.
Self-Introduction Speech Assignment
? Review your final version based on the rubric and refine your outline as needed.
5. ?Complete the Speech (RECORDING) worth 50 points.
? Check that you have all your technical equipment, device with working camera and audio,
? Dress according to the rubric standards
. ? Schedule a quiet space with good light to practice and record (e.g. private room in the
library, classroom, or space at home.) Avoid cafeterias, noisy rooms, or coffee shops.
? Identify points in the script to meet the delivery criteria of the rubrics, including:
extemporaneous style, eye contact, body language and use of voice.
? Read through and practice without equipment.
? Practice with the equipment until you feel confident.
? Record.
? Optional: Re-record the final.
? Upload your recording to YouTube and submit the link to the assignment Or record on
Kaltura and upload or embed
6. ?Evaluate yourself and peers worth 10 points each
Read through the Self-Evaluation (10 points) Informative document
. Answer all five questions
submit the assignment
Read through the Peer Evaluation (10 points each) table and complete 2 evaluations
You will be assigned 2 peer reviews randomly by the computer system. They will be available to you
after all the Speeches have been submitted- Week 15.
Watch their presentation and evaluate using the questions provided below.
Upload those answers onto their speech in response.
Assignment Overview

The time requirement for this presentation is 4-5 minutes. Speeches that do not fall within this limit
may receive grade deductions. Please practice and time yourself in order to stay within these limits.
No sources are required for this speech.
No visual aids are required for this speech If you want to show us an object- feel free- NO PowerPoint
This presentation is worth 100 points. 20- outline – 50- speech- 10 each for self and peer reviews
Make sure your speech has a clear introduction, a clear body, and a clear conclusion.
The introduction to the speech should gain attention and state your purpose in the speech, provide
a listening reason (adaptation to the audience), establish your credibility, and offer a preview of your
main points.
The body of the speech should contain three clear main points: 1) an overview of your basic
biographical information; 2) something that is important to you. 3) something else that is important to
The conclusion of the speech should restate or summarize the main points and provide closure for
the speech. Keep the conclusion straightforward and relatively brief.
Transitions between major sections of the speech (i.e., introduction, body and conclusion) and the
main points should be written in the outline and spoken during the delivery of the speech. Use
transitions to lead your listeners along and to keep them with you.
Delivery: This speech must be given extemporaneously. No written transcripts. No reading off the
computer screen. You are allowed notecards but no sheets of paper.
You must be standing to deliver this speech- camera should be at eye level with adequate lighting
and sound- be sure to watch your video before submitting- I can not grade what I cannot see or hear.
Seek to employ eye contact, facial animation, proper posture, gestures, appropriate volume and vocal
variety in your presentation. Be sure to dress in appropriate business casual attire (NO JEANS, NO
The outline for the speech must BE TYPED and follow the appropriate format.( form is at the bottom
of this packet

Prep Sheet
Name: _____________________________
Topic: __________________________________________________________
Introduction:1. Attention Statement: _________________________________________________________
2. Central Idea/Thesis: __________________________________________________________
3. Preview Topic: (use same words and order as you call the main points)
Transition :transitional word _____________________next point_________________________
Main Points: (Body of the Speech)
1. Biographical information_____________________________________________________
Transition: transitional word _____________________next point_________________________
2. Important to me_____________________________________________________
Transition: transitional word _____________________next point_________________________
3. Important to me_____________________________________________________
Transition: Signal ending_____________________________________________
Restate Central idea _____________________________________________________
Summarize Main Points: ( same words and order as you used in the body)
Clincher/Memorable ending/ Final Thought:______________________________________________

Introduction – Name
A. I will gain attention by_______________________________________________
B. My Goal is_________________________________________________________
C. My thesis statement is____________________________________________
D. My main points are: (Preview)
i. _______________
ii. _______________
iii. _______________
II. Body
A. Main Point One:___________________________________________________
1.)Info about it___________________________________________________
2.)Info about it___________________________________________________
3.) (optional) Info about it__________________________________________
B. Main Point Two:____________________________________________________
1.) Info about it___________________________________________________
2.) Info about it__________________________________________________
3.) (optional) Info about it_________________________________________________
C. Main Point Three:___________________________________________________
1.) Info about it____________________________________________________
2.) Info about it____________________________________________________
3.) (optional) Info about it____________________________________________

III. Conclusion
A. Summary of goal, thesis statement______________________________________
B. Review of major points
i. ___________________________________
ii. ___________________________________
iii. ___________________________________
Final Thought_______________________________________________________

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