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WGU Community Health and Population Focused Nursing Social Media Campaign Paper

WGU Community Health and Population Focused Nursing Social Media Campaign Paper


Part 2: Social Media Campaign

Note: The “CDCynergy” web link provided in the Web Links section may be useful in completing your social media campaign. The use of this web link is optional.

B.   Write your community health nursing diagnostic statement that identifies the following components:

  •   a health concern or risk that is relevant to your chosen field experience topic : Field Experience Topic is, Unintentional Injury ex…Prevention of Workplace Injuries (Physical or Emotional Trauma) Prevention of Sports/Recreational Injuries 
  •   the affected group is general population or community with varying degrees of education and financial resources
  •   suggested causative factors
  •   evidence or support for the health concern or risk

1.   Explain how the health concern or risk from your community health nursing diagnostic statement is linked to a health inequity or health disparity within the target population.

a.   Discuss the primary community resources and primary prevention resources discovered during your “Windshield Survey” that are relevant to the health concern or risk.

Those resources being, a large county community health system, social work, social programs for the underfunded, and other resources found in a modern day inner city setting.  

b.   Discuss the underlying causes that lead to the health concern or risk for the target population.

2.   Discuss evidence-based practice standards (i.e., scholarly backed guidelines or practices) associated with the health concern or risk.

3.   Identify data that provide insight into the significance of the health concern or risk from the local (e.g., county), state, or national level.

C.   Develop a community health nursing social media marketing campaign strategy that will convey a health message and address the health concern or risk by doing the following:

1.   Describe a measurable objective for the social media marketing campaign.

2.   Recommend two social media marketing interventions (i.e., education, resources, networking) specific to the target population, and provide rationale for how each intervention improves the health message related to your selected health concern or risk.

3.   Describe at least one social media platform you would use to communicate the interventions to the target population, and provide rationale for why each platform is appropriate for this group.

D.   Describe best practices and guidelines when utilizing social media platforms for health marketing interventions.

E.   Create a social media marketing campaign implementation plan by doing the following:

1.   Describe at least two logical stakeholders and the roles and responsibilities each stakeholder has in implementing the campaign plan.

2.   Describe at least two community partnerships and the contributing roles and responsibilities each partner has in the implementation of the campaign plan.

3.   Formulate a step-by-step timeline of the implementation process for your social media marketing campaign.

4.   Describe at least one method of evaluation and the detailed criteria that will be used to measure the effectiveness of the social media marketing interventions.

5.   Discuss the costs associated with specific elements of the social media marketing campaign that would require financial support for implementation.

F.   Reflect on the application of social media by doing the following:

1.   Reflect on the community health nurse’s role in using social media to promote healthier populations.

2.   Reflect on how a social media marketing campaign could apply to your current or future personal nursing practice.

G.   Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

H.   Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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