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Various Change Management Models Discussion Response

Various Change Management Models Discussion Response


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It is important to consider wider industry trends when making changes within an organization. This allows for more effective navigation in a changing environment. This necessitates the creation of customized and adjustable change management strategies that take into account cultural, economic, and external elements. There are three levels of management that must be addressed when managing a change: the individual, the team/unit, and the organization. Additionally, effective change requires a careful attention to the process and content of the change (Deszca, 2020).

           Various methods for managing organizational change are provided by the six models of change management. First, Lewin’s model is attractive for its simplicity, making it an effective way of explaining the change process to those involved. This model has three phases: first, “unfreezing,” where the need to switch from the current state is apparent; second, “change,” when new methods are adopted; and lastly, “refreeze,” when the alterations have been adopted and a sense of balance is re-established. Secondly, Kotter’s Eight-Step model, leaders should develop a strong sense of urgency and assemble a team of influential individuals to lead the change effort. A vision for the future should be formulated and communicated to all employees. It is critical to give people the authority to take action and remove any obstacles that might hinder the transformation process. Celebrate the accomplishments, keep pushing forward and make sure the new way of doing things is embedded in the company culture.

           Thirdly, Gentile’s model encourages individuals to recognize and articulate their moral values, come up with strategies to effectively communicate those values when faced with difficult ethical dilemmas, and practice voicing those values in simulated scenarios. Fourth, Duck’s model takes into account the emotional responses to change. People must first become aware of the need for change, which should be followed by preparing and planning appropriately. Then, new systems should be created and attitudes must be adjusted. After that, people must commit to the process of transformation and eventually they will be able to reap its rewards.

           Fifth, Beckhard and Harris’ Change-Management Process is a system that helps organizations bring about change. It starts by contrasting the current situation with the desired future situation, followed by a step-by-step guide for facilitating the transition. The model puts emphasis on managing the transition as the key to making any change project successful. Lastly the Change Path model, complex changes can be managed by taking them through four stages. Firstly, recognizing the need for change, then bridging any gaps, followed by creating a plan of action, and finally, integrating the change and assessing its effectiveness. 

           In my opinion, the combination of Lewin’s and Kotter’s change management models is the most suitable choice. Lewin’s model is advantageous due to its straightforwardness and emphasis on communication, while Kotter’s model is beneficial because of its structured plan and emphasis on leadership and cultural awareness. Combining these two models provides an equilibrium of solutions that can can successfully deal with the distinct issues and prospects in Saudi Arabia’s business environment.

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