In this discussion, you will explore issues that will feed directly into your short essay assignment.
Data selection:
Research law enforcement agencies in three US states to find where they locate their crime analysts within their organizations.
Locate a crime or call for service dataset from an agency of your choice (but not Tempe Police – that’s the instructor’s dataset).
Download 2016-2021 complete years of data. Data must include offense type, date, report number, and geographic data. Pick something with latitude & longitude included, or be willing to geocode the data for later assignments.
Write a response to the following prompts:
- Explain why it is unlikely that you will be able to get law enforcement bulletins via a FOIA request.
How is the crime analysis process (data collection, data collation, analysis, dissemination, feedback) different from the scientific process (theory, hypothesis, observation, empirical generalizations) and from the problem solving process (scanning, analysis, response, and assessment)?
- What might explain the differences among the three processes?
Include a link to the dataset you selected in your post.
Peer Reply
Read the introductions of each of your classmates.
It is unlikely that there will be requests for law enforcement bulletins through a FOIA request due to the high level of clearance that it takes. A lot of times there is an invasion of personal privacy that comes through requesting those types of records. There can be a dismissal of investigations when it comes to giving out information, and there can not be a breach of an open and ongoing investigation. The crime analysis process differs from the scientific process in the sense that within the crime analysis process there is no need to ask a question and predict a hypothesis because the process intel’s a collection of the data from the task at hand, and then separating out the data into categories and creating an appropriate analysis of the data to evaluate. The scientific process requires there to be an experiment with the data in order to find a finished product in which there is an analysis of the findings. These both differ from the problem-solving process, which would emulate the crime analysis process the most seeing that there is a problem that must first be identified, and the root cause is to be evaluated. From there, the evaluator must prioritize the different solutions of the issue and implement which solution will best fit the outcome. The explanation of these three different evaluation processes come from the levels and types of data that is being represented. When there is a problem or situation that must be resolved, the problem-solving process might be more appropriate, but when it comes to data that must be dissected and formulated into calculations for easy access of law enforcement, the crime analysis process would be more appropriate.