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TU Societys Influence on Personal Beliefs Discussion

TU Societys Influence on Personal Beliefs Discussion


Secondary Post Instructions

Provide at least two secondary responses to your classmates for the discussion by answering the following questions.

  • What did you find most important in the initial response?
  • What was something you agree or disagree with the initial response?
  • What was something you found interesting in the initial response?



Individuals’ personal belief systems are greatly impacted by social factors, which shape their values, attitudes, and views of the world around them. Here are some key results and scenarios of how societal factors shape personal belief systems: One of the most powerful sources of social influence is family. Parents, guardians, and extended family members pass on to their offspring their views, values, and social norms. A youngster raised in a home that values academic accomplishment, for example, might develop a deep belief in the value of education. Religious ideas and practices have an enormous effect on human values and behavior. Religious teachings shape people’s moral compass and perspectives on problems like abortion, euthanasia, and marriage equality. A person’s beliefs in religion, for example, may cause them to hold conservative or progressive views on social problems.

The personal belief system of an individual has a big impact on their opinions on collective issues. These ideas influence how people understand, respond to, and participate in multiple societal issues and themes. Some examples of how an individual’s own belief system might influence their opinions on communal issues could be individuals who firmly believe in environmental care and sustainability are more likely to be concerned about community concerns such as pollution, climate change, and protection. They could push for legislation that favors renewable energy, waste reduction, and conservation. Or Individuals who place a high value on education and information may see community challenges through the perspective of informed decision-making. They could hold debates, collect data, and push for evidence-based policies to solve issues like reforming schools or false information.

The findings of both articles support the idea that social influences play an important part in forming individuals’ personal belief systems and, as a result, their perspectives on community issues. In both articles, the study focuses the interaction between personal belief systems and larger society effects, showing how historical, cultural, and external factors changes people’s views on community concerns. These findings support the idea that personal belief systems are deeply connected with social dynamics, influencing how individuals view and participate with issues affecting their communities.



Before even reading the articles I could tell you that society and social influence can greatly alter someone’s beliefs. I come from a very diverse area and have always been surrounded by other cultures than my own. Social influence can be hard to stray away from because if most people around you act or look a certain way, it will eventually provoke someone to do the same.

I believe it is important for immigrants to not fully assimilate into the society they have immigrated to. If we were to have immigrants conform to American culture and American values/morals then we wouldn’t have any diversity. I think immigrants should understand the society and culture that they are going into but not necessarily have to drop their culture for ours. Though, this does depend on how deeply rooted the individual’s beliefs are and if that is something they would like to continue to carry with them (Grajzl et al., 2018). If one’s own cultural involvement is at a minimum, it would be more likely for them to assimilate into the culture they’re going into. Whereas, someone who is deeply rooted in their culture is not likely to change their ways.

A personal belief can alter the thoughts of societal issues because of the cultural background. For example, a lot of immigrants coming from the middle east would have issues with the fact that some states allow abortion because, within their culture, it is not allowed.

After my first year at TU I started getting a lot of messages from people out of the country looking to start at Tiffin but wanted to know what the culture on campus is like. I had one gentleman contact me because he was nervous he would be singled out as a foreigner. I assured him that TU has a diverse population and answered any other questions. I did this to assist others in a difficult transition and share with them some of the cultural ideals they would be coming into. I would never expect anything back and it does make me feel good to know I really helped someone (Oarga et al., 2015). It is genuinely rewarding to me to know that I played a part in helping someone understand another culture.


Grajzl, P., Eastwood, J., & Dimitrova-Grajzl, V. (2018). Should immigrants culturally assimilate or preserve their own culture? Host-society natives’ beliefs and the longevity of national identity. Social Science Research, 75, 96–116.

Oarga, C., Stavrova, O., & Fetchenhauer, D. (2015). When and why is helping others good for well-being? The role of belief in reciprocity and conformity to society’s expectations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(2), 242–254.

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