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TU Personal and Professional Persona Reflection Discussion Replies

TU Personal and Professional Persona Reflection Discussion Replies


Write Responses for 2 peers:


For this discussion, you will have the opportunity to discuss how your personal and professional personas might influence society and your community. A person’s persona, whether personally or professionally, can have a significant impact on the way he or she is perceived by society. For example, your personal persona would be how you present yourself (personality and character) to your family, friends, and community. Your professional persona would be how you present yourself in the workplace. This could ultimately cause positive or negative impressions depending on the behaviors and actions taken and therefore, cause specific consequences and ramifications within society and communities alike. This awareness and reflection will be advantageous to you when completing the week 6 final project in the course.

Secondary Post Instructions

Provide at least two secondary responses to your classmates for the discussion by answering the following questions.

  • What did you find most important in the initial response?
  • What was something you agree or disagree with in the initial response?
  • What was something you found interesting in the initial response?   

With secondary responses around 200 words per post. While these word counts are not a firm requirement, they should serve as a guideline for the approximate length of a quality post.


– Describe how your personal and professional personas might influence society and your community and share some examples.

A personal persona is how someone displays oneself to their family, friends, and community. Aspects of their personality, behavior, values, and self-concept may be included. The concept of the looking-glass self is relevant in this context since it shows that a person’s self-image is influenced by how others perceive them. For example, if a person believes that their community views them as kind and helpful, this perception might add to their self-concept as a caring individual. Negative community perceptions, on the other side, may lead to feelings of insecurity or low self-esteem.

A professional persona is how an individual displays themselves at work. This involves their actions, skills, work ethic, and reputation among peers and superiors. The looking-glass self, like the personal self, can influence how a person perceives themselves in their professional capacity based on feedback and judgments from others. For example, consider an employee who constantly receives positive criticism from coworkers and managers about their problem-solving and leadership talents. This input has the potential to shape the employee’s self-concept as a capable and effective team member. This perspective may inspire people to accept leadership tasks and responsibilities because they believe it is consistent with their professional identity.

– Based on what you identified in your research, your own self-reflection, and your understanding of this topic, discuss some ways you would like to alter your own personal and professional personas to be more positively perceived by society and your community and share why this might be important.

A happy attitude is one method I may use to improve my personal persona. Maintain a good attitude in all of the interactions I have with people. This can help to create a more inviting and positive environment, which will improve my interactions with my family, friends, and community members. Also, be an engaged listener. For example, when having conversations, practice active listening. This shows empathy and genuine interest, making me more approachable and meaningful.

And here are some ideas on how I could change my professional persona. Work on increasing my abilities and knowledge in my professional field on a regular basis. This will demonstrate my commitment and knowledge to teammates, classmates, and superiors. Another thing I could improve on is making an effort to be reliable as well as consistent in my work or sport. Meeting deadlines and producing high-quality results might help build my professional reputation. What I take is super important is teamwork. Actively participate to team efforts and effectively collaborate with my team. Being a helpful team player can help to create a great work atmosphere and improve professional relationships.

– Explain how the findings from the two articles apply to this discussion as supportive evidence and helped to frame your response.

The first article was helpful in that the conversation focused on the significance of personal growth and self-awareness in changing personal and professional personas. The findings of this study support the idea that people actively seek ways to improve themselves, whether through therapeutic technologies or other means, in order to interact more effectively with their communities and workplaces.

In the second article, the discussion focused on the impact of others’ favorable and negative judgments on personal and professional personalities. The findings of this study support the idea that social factors influence individuals’ self-concepts, and that these views can influence their behaviors and relationships with society and their communities.


Smith, A. B. (2020). The Influence of Personal and Professional Personas on Community Perceptions. Journal of Social Psychology, 25(3), 150-168.

Johnson, C. D. (2018). Enhancing Positive Self-Concept through Professional Persona Development. Journal of Workplace Psychology, 42(2), 80-97.



The first thing to point out is the difference between personal and professional persona. Personal persona is how people present themselves to their family, friends in their private and personal environment. Professional persona is the identity that that you show in your work environment. With this being said I think that the personal persona impacts those around you. For instance, if you actively participate in volunteer activities within your community, it can encourage others to engage in altruistic endeavors, thereby encouraging a culture of giving back. On the other hand, the professional persona affects others in the workplace. For example, if you are a worker that always meets his/her deadlines on time, this will set a standard to your collogues that they will feel they have to meet. 

Considering the research and understanding I have gathered, to make my personas more positively perceived by society and community, I think I should make them align with positive societal values. For example, on  personal level, I could engage in community projects or volunteering, so that to encourage others to contribute positively to the community. On a professional level instead, I could focus on transparency and ethical decision-making, so that to positively influence how stakeholders, colleagues, and competitors perceive my actions and decisions. 

After reading the two articles, I understood that personal and professional personas are not fixed entities but are malleable, influenced by social dynamics, motivations for self-improvement. Also, altering these personas becomes an intentional act of growth and positive transformation that can contribute to inspiring others to embrace similar positive changes.


Jhangiani, Dr. R., & Tarry, Dr. H. (2022, January 26). 3.3 the social self: The role of the Social Situation. Principles of Social Psychology 1st International H5P Edition.…

Salmenniemi, S. (2017). “We can’t live without beliefs”: Self and society in therapeutic engagements. Sociological Review, 65(4), 611–627.

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