Write peer response:
Just Walk it off
Many injured athletes are encouraged to play through the pain. Kerri Strug was one of the many athletes who encouraged to do so. As I watched the video clip, I could only imagine the pain she must have felt landing on her feet like that with an injury foot. I have had to deal with sprains before and it can sometimes be excruciating. I can remember thinking that my foot must be broken, I had pain spiraling up my leg and the back of my spine each time I would put pressure on my leg. While many athletes are commended for persevering despite their injury, there can be very serious consequences for doing so. For example their have been many attention drawn towards the high incidence of brain trauma in football players, which lead to many athletes having chronic traumatic encephalopathy and brain disease (Neporent, 2013). Coaches and sports psychologist should encourage athletes to consider the long term effects of performing through or with and injury. Many coaches are focused so much on winning that they put aside the important concept of health and safety first. In the case of Kerri Strug, her coach was aware of her injury in the first attempt and because his interest was more focused on winning he encouraged her to perform through the injury. According to the text book, the consequences of sports injuries can be both physical and psychological. Athletes may perceive their injuries in different ways. Some may perceive it as a disaster, some may see it as an opportunity to display courage, and others may welcome the idea of relief from a long season or poor performance (Williams & Krane, 2020). In Strug’s case I believe she welcomed the opportunity to display courage, especially being as her other team mates had failed and everyone was depending on her.
For athletes who are injured, I would encourage them to maintain a positive attitude. I would also recommend the support of the other team mates, but most importantly I would recommend them to be patient through the healing process and allow their bodies to fully recover, following the recommendations of their physicians. I would also encourage them to maintain balanced diets. Studies have indicated that eating balance diets can boost athletes who are injured metabolism, and help to speed up the recovery process (Papadopoulou, 2020).
Word count 460
Neporent, B. L. (2013). Football head injuries increasing because of bigger, faster players. ABC News.
Papadopoulou, S. K. (2020). Rehabilitation Nutrition for injury Recovery of Athletes: The role of Macronutrient intake. Nutrients, 12(8), 2449.
Williams, J. M., & Krane, V. (2020). Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance.