The prospectus, or culminating project, for this course, must demonstrate your comprehension, application, analysis, and integration of coursework and current research in relation to your research interests. In this section, you will integrate all of the work you have completed and the feedback you have received from your professor to present a prospectus capable of being expanded into a dissertation.
Throughout this course, you have developed the foundational elements needed for a successful dissertation. This final assignment should draw on each course learning outcome and concept as you synthesize these elements and corrections based on feedback received into a comprehensive prospectus.
CLO: 1, 2, 3, 4
In the template provided for this course, draft an Introduction and Background to help your reader to your research idea. The introduction should be 1-2 pages. You may find it helpful to refine and revise the work submitted for the Week 1 Writing Activity. The introduction and background should include the following:
- A general topic overview establishes the study’s context and orients the reader to the field.
- Present an overview of why this research topic is relevant and warranted.
- Briefly explain what research has been done on the topic and why the topic is important practically and empirically.
- Lead the reader to the problem statement to follow.
- Write in the future tense when referencing the proposed study.
- Write a concise summary for Section 1 of the Prospectus.
Quality check:
- Is your information correct on the Cover Page of the template?
- Is your document formatted correctly? Except for the headings added in Section 2, your document should follow the template precisely.
- Did you update the Table of Contents?
- Do all citations have matching references?
- Are all references cited in the document?
- Use the rubric as a guide.
Cover Page
Format of the page is maintained. All line items are edited.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents is updated. All APA level 1 and 2 headings for Sections 1 and 2 are present.
Introduction and Background
A clear overview of the study is provided. There is a flow from general to specific of the topic. Major points are adequately supported by the literature. Background information provided to contextualize the topic.
Problem Statement
A clear problem is explained and supported through the material in the Introduction, strong evidence is provided and discussed.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of the study is described and aligns with the stated problem, a summary of how the study will be conducted is provided.
Research Questions
Research question(s) are directly answerable beyond yes/no response, fairly specific and testable based on the data to be collected. Research question(s) are aligned and support the problem and purpose. The core concepts (qualitative) and/or operational variables (quantitative) are included.
Method and Design
Describes how the research method and design are aligned with the study problem, purpose, and research questions. Describes how the design choice is consistent with the research method.
The framework is clearly articulated and aligns with the problem, purpose, research questions, and research method and design. Seminal and current sources are included. The framework aligns with the students degree type.
Section 1 Summary
The summary captures the key components of the section.
Section 2 Literature Review
Topics include the selected framework and align with the research goals discussed in Section 1. There is no evidence of rhetoric, bias, or agenda.
Section 2 Summary
The summary captures the key discussions in the section.