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Society and Policy Analysis And Advocacy Skill Building Paper

Society and Policy Analysis And Advocacy Skill Building Paper


Theme: Policy Analysis And Advocacy Skill Building: Immigration, Criminal Justice, And Military.

Chapter Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy: Advancing Social Justice Through Eight Policy Sectors

Read Chapters 13 and 14 from Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy: Advancing Social Justice Through Eight Policy Sectors.


Identify key issues, challenges, and opportunities in the areas of immigration or criminal justice systems. [EPAS 2, 3, 5]

Articulate linkages between policy, service, program, and practice. [EPAS 5]

Assess whether a program aligns with a particular policy or service delivery system. [EPAS 5]

Analyze the program logic of a social welfare program. [EPAS 5]

Evaluate how the values of a social program align with social work values, such as cultural responsiveness, equity, and social justice. [EPAS 5]

Questions 1

How can social workers contribute to prison or criminal justice reform efforts and initiatives?

This discussion question is informed by the following EPAS Standards:

3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

5: Engage in Policy Practice

Questions 2

How might social work research inform dialogue on efforts to reform the immigration system?

Questions 3

Introduction and conclusion

Instructions: Select ONE population of interest: immigrants/refugees; incarcerated youth/adults; military veterans.

Develop an Ignite presentation in which you discuss an identified service need of your selected population of interest. Propose a policy or program change to address the need. Use the generic outline (below) to help you develop the presentation. Use material from at least three scholarly sources to help you develop your presentation. The final slide of the presentation should include a list of references in APA format. Research online examples of ignite talks, and tips on how to create one.

An Ignite presentation is a PowerPoint presentation in which 20 slides auto-advance every 15 seconds for a total of 5 minutes, while the presenter speaks. Typically, each slide contains a visual image with minimal words. The presenter(s) speaks for approximately 13 seconds per slide. Presentations are meant to “ignite” the audience on a subject (in this case, on a social welfare policy issue), for the purpose of expanding awareness, deepening thought, building social empathy, and inviting social action and social change.

Create and submit a video of yourself delivering your Ignite presentation, based on the generic outline below. Your video needs to show the slides and should show yourself, or at least have your voice presenting along with the slides.

Ignite Presentation Outline

Explain a specific social problem affecting your target population.

Describe an unmet service need of your identified target population.

Explain why it is important to meet the need and improve conditions for this population.

Articulate a vision of change to improve conditions or opportunities for the target population.

Explain how alignment between policy, service, program and practice is necessary to meet the identified service need.

Propose a viable change strategy to improve conditions or opportunities (e.g. change in policy, program or practice), to better meet the identified service needs of the target population.

Explain the “logic” of the change initiative: purpose, inputs, activities, outputs, impact.

Explain how the change initiative would incorporate social work values such as cultural responsiveness or advancement of social justice. Refer to Social Work Disposition #12: Standard: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to the Broader Society in this portion of your outline.

Note strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that might influence the adoption or achievement of the change initiative and how these might be addressed.

Recommendations for action: What specific steps could be taken to achieve the envisioned change?

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This assignment is informed by the following EPAS Standards:

2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

5: Engage in Policy Practice



2.ORR Policy

3.Chapter Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy: Advancing Social Justice Through Eight Policy Sectors

Read Chapters 13 and 14 from Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy: Advancing Social Justice Through Eight Policy Sectors.

4.VA Affairs U.S.

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