Throughout the Cybersecurity program, you have worked to build technical knowledge and abilities alongside skills in communication. Clear, thorough, and appropriate communication is essential when making security recommendations and building security awareness within an organization.
In this project, you will create a presentation that shares information from a security assessment with a non-technical audience. In a professional setting, you will often need to relay information to important decision makers who do not have the same technical background or skills you possess. In order to effectively communicate, you will need to consider how visual and text elements can best convey your content and objectives. You may have limited time, so keeping your presentation concise will be vital. Creating comprehensive speaker notes will best convey your message if you distribute your presentation for those unable to attend, or if you want your audience to review your content after your presentation has concluded.
The project incorporates one milestone, which will be submitted in Module Five. This project will be submitted in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
- Translate complex security issues to non-technical audiences to inform decision making
For the last few months, personnel across the organization have taken on the challenging tasks stemming from the acquisition of a former competitor, BrainMeld. The cybersecurity team that you are part of has worked closely with IT to assess BrainMeld systems and take tactical steps to protect operational efficiency while ensuring security. You have been chosen to present to the board of directors of your company, Grey Matter LLC.
The board is gathering for a day of update activities related to the acquisition. The cybersecurity team has been assigned a 10- minute slot to brief the board on the steps needed to remediate the vulnerabilities found by the OpenVAS report and the first step that needs to be taken to address the issues identified. This is an opportunity to build awareness of the cybersecurity perspective among the influencers on the board.
Use Project One and the Project One Milestone as the basis for your presentation. Your presentation should include a title slide, introduction slide, and conclusion slide. To build your presentation, you may use either of the logos shown on the Grey Matter Logos slide linked in the Project Two assignment in Module Seven of your course. Your speaker notes should be crafted in paragraph form and follow academic writing standards.
You must address the critical elements listed below. The codes shown in brackets indicate the competency to which each critical element is aligned.
- Security Assessment Presentation
- Select the most relevant information for the non-technical audience.
- Illustrate why your security findings are important for the non-technical audience.
- Create an effective visual aid to support your presentation for the non-technical audience.
- Compose comprehensive speaker notes that clearly describe how you would speak to your non-technical audience for each slide.
- Create a presentation that is formatted in a professional manner to meet the needs of the non-technical audience