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SMC Caring for Ones Mental Health During Uncertain Moments Discussion

SMC Caring for Ones Mental Health During Uncertain Moments Discussion


Topics for your original comment (2 parts):

Part 1: Write a paragraph that includes answers to the questions. Do not list them like a Q&A.

  • I realize that this is some of the same information you posted on your VoiceThread Introductionassignment. Posting the information here will allow more students in the class to get to know each other!
  1. What is your first and last name?
  2. What year are you (Junior, Senior, etc.)?
  3. Where are you from?
  4. What is your dream job?
  5. What is an interesting fact about yourself?
  6. Why did you choose your major?
  7. Why did you decide to come to CSUN?
  8. What fun or interesting thing did you do over the most recent break? (Fall classes discuss summer break; spring classes discuss winter break) 

Part 2: Locate the most recent message about healththat you read, viewed, or heard.

  • The message can be from the news, social media, entertainment TV or a movie, a billboard, etc.
  • Share a screenshot of, or link to the message
  • Explain the aim/goal of the message
  • In your opinion, is the message clear?
  • What is your overall reaction to the message. Explain why you think you had the reaction you did. 

Topics for responses to your classmates:

Part 1: Respond to TWO group members’ introductions of themselves 

Part 2: Post a reaction to the health message they shared.

Do you agree with them in terms of the goal(s) and clarity of the message?

What is your overall reaction to the message they shared. Explain why you think you had the reaction you did. 

Part 1: Hi! My name is Andrea Araiza. I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. I am currently a junior majoring in Child development. With this major I hope to achieve my dream job as a Child Life Specialist. I have enjoyed working with children in a daycare setting and would love to help children navigate a hospital setting. The reason why I decided to come to CSUN was to study in college close to home. I am close to my family so I would find it hard to study away from home. Over the summer, I decided to take up more hours at my part-time job at a daycare. One interesting fact about me is that I am involved in Greek life on campus. So send a message my way if you are interested in joining!

Part 2:

The last news I have read pertaining to health is the recent rise in COVID-19 cases and how it has intensified in the last few weeks. The message of this news article is letting the readers know that there are cases rising but that it is no cause for alarm because hospitalization rates are not as severe as they were back during the first outbreaks thanks to the vaccines. For me the message gets clearer the more sources they cite that support their claims. Based on the sources they provided,I got the message that they want the readers to not panic. This article is saying that there is no need to panic because we are more prepared now than we were before we experienced the first outbreak. They mentioned that the vaccine could have helped with immunity rates and classified COVID as a manageable disease instead of a severe illness. My reaction to this article is to trust this article and rely on the message to stay calm but to remain cautious. The reason why I had this reaction was because of the evidence they cited and seeing that they are from legit sources such as the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention.) and brought up statistics from the California Department of Public Health. 

Hey, everyone! Here is a little bit about myself. My name is Kayla Burnett. I am a Junior at CSUN with my current major in Child Development. I am from Los Angeles, California, where I was born and raised. My dream job is to be an elementary or middle school teacher. When I first started school, I wanted to be a business major. Due to some significant life changes and feeling as though I was unheard by the police department, I switched my major to criminology, which helped set me on a better path regarding my schooling and overall grade due to my passion. However, over the summer, I traveled and explored Italy and Paris. During my trip, I genuinely enjoyed helping younger children and those early stages of their lives with help to build them into the people they are meant to be. One interesting fact about myself is that although I am no longer a business major, I still plan on owning my own business while being a teacher and traveling during the summers. I plan to open an oasis center primarily for the betterment and wellness of African-American women to provide a nurturing environment for self-care and promote women of color’s empowerment. I started the necessary steps to make these plants a reality, and my business name is [removed] on Instagram if you want to show support or see what I’m really about. That is a passion I have decided to focus on. I chose to attend CSUN at the young age of 18 because I am so family-oriented. I wanted to be still able to see my family with ease while still allowing myself enough space to get the whole college experience; of course, that was sadly cut short due to COVID-19, which we can all say was very unexpected nevertheless, I don’t regret my decision and love the way things have panned out for me. I hope this helped shed some light on my story and who I am cant wait to explore and learn more about my classmates

Kayla Burnett

Part 2

The last news that I read was an article that my father shared with me about a deadly tick-bone epidemic that is raging. The message of this news article is meant to shine light on a new problem that is rising. Although it is primarily in Mexico if we do not stop it at the source it can spread. The article shared the studies they have done that have shown proof that cases have already began to rise in the United States. They share the vivid details the of gruesome cases and how it impacts mostly young children. I feel that their goal is to get the readers attention and hopefully spread awareness so that I can be prevented . I feel that they did a great job at grabbing the readers attention while also sharing the facts and even giving ways to help to contain the problem. My reaction when reading this article was sadness it reminded me of the effects of Covid19 was to numerous families and if we took the proper steps in the beginning numerous lives could have been saved. I feel as though the use of imagery was a great touch to this article and immediately I wanted to know what can be done to help. 

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