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SABER COLLEGE Why RNs Are Still Doing Non Nursing Tasks Discussion

SABER COLLEGE Why RNs Are Still Doing Non Nursing Tasks Discussion


Choose one of the following questions to answer for this week’s discussion board. Make sure to repost the question you selected at the top of your posting.

Why do you believe professional RNs are still completing so many nonnursing tasks?

How comfortable do you believe most RNs are in the role of delegator to UAP?

  1. Do you believe most RNs feel clarity regarding role differentiation between the RN and the UAP?
  2. Do you believe that patients typically are aware whether it is the UAP or licensed nurse that is caring for them?
  3. A brief introductory paragraph introduces the topic of the discussion. One or more succinct paragraphs are needed to answer each of the discussion board questions. Use current literature (5 years old or less) to support your views. Be sparing in your use of quotes. Learn to paraphrase the information you are sharing from a source. A paragraph at the end gives a brief summary of the discussion. The initial posting for each topic should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not including the references).
  4. Use APA formatting, 12-point type font, double spacing, indenting of each paragraph, and proper spelling and grammar. You do not need a title page or a separate “References” sheet, but a “References” section should be included at the end of your posting if you cite sources.

A peer response (response to another student’s posting) is required for each topic:

  1. Why do you believe professional RNs are still completing so many non-nursing tasks?


The issue of professional registered nurses (RNs) frequently undertaking non-nursing tasks is a multifaceted concern driven by many interwoven factors. The complexity of this matter underscores the intricate challenges RNs face and the healthcare system as a whole. This essay delves into the reasons underlying the continued involvement of professional RNs in non-nursing tasks, exploring the various dimensions that contribute to this trend.

Nursing Shortage: The impending shortage of RNs in the United States casts a shadow over healthcare. As the aging Baby Boomer generation propels the demand for healthcare services, the scarcity of RNs becomes more pronounced. This dire situation places heightened demands on RNs to bridge the gap, resulting in their engagement in non-nursing tasks as they strive to meet the escalating demand for care (Jefferies et al., 2022). The growing chasm between patient needs and available nursing resources necessitates this adaptation, where RNs are stretched thin to fulfill both traditional nursing responsibilities and non-nursing duties.

Variability in Nursing Roles: The landscape of nursing is characterized by a diverse array of roles and responsibilities, particularly within primary care teams. This variability can lead to situations where RNs are assigned tasks falling outside their conventional domain (Topping, 2023). The resultant misalignment between their professional training and the tasks at hand can put them in situations where they are performing tasks for which they might not possess adequate expertise. The outcome is a workforce burdened not only by the tasks themselves but also by the struggle to reconcile their roles with their training.

Lack of Support Staff: Some healthcare settings have insufficient auxiliary staff, such as nursing assistants or administrative personnel. This dearth of support staff compels RNs to shoulder the responsibilities of these missing roles to ensure seamless patient care (Van Aerschot et al., 2022). Although not inherent to their training, RNs administer non-nursing tasks ranging from clerical duties to tasks typically reserved for support staff. The absence of this support structure perpetuates the cycle of RNs extending beyond their primary role.

Time Constraints: The demanding schedules of RNs are often marred by overwhelming workloads and high patient acuity. In such high-pressure environments, direct patient care takes precedence, relegating non-nursing tasks to the background (Yun & Yu, 2021). Yet, the reality of constrained time and inadequate resources can force RNs to apportion their limited time toward non-nursing duties. Consequently, this time reallocation affects their capacity to deliver optimal care, a compromise made out of necessity rather than choice.

Scope of Practice: The extent of permissible practice for RNs varies according to state regulations and healthcare settings. Legal or organizational obligations can mandate RNs to undertake specific non-nursing tasks that might not be intrinsic to their training (Gorski et al., 2021). This divergence from their professional scope can lead to ethical dilemmas and challenge their professional autonomy. Nevertheless, these regulatory frameworks can put RNs in positions where they must balance their commitment to patient care with adherence to legal and organizational mandates.

It is imperative to acknowledge that the integration of non-nursing tasks into the responsibilities of RNs carries implications for patient care, job satisfaction, and burnout rates. To counteract these adverse effects, ongoing efforts are being invested in reimagining nursing workloads and devising innovative approaches to mitigate the ramifications of the nursing shortage. Furthermore, augmenting the capacity of nursing schools and addressing the scarcity of nursing faculty emerges as a strategic maneuver to bolster the supply of qualified RNs and bridge the care-demand gap.

In summation, the prevalence of professional RNs engaging in non-nursing tasks is an intricate matter molded by a convergence of factors, including the nursing shortage, diverse nursing roles, lack of support staff, time constraints, and the scope of practice. Resolving this predicament necessitates a multi-pronged approach that rectifies these contributing factors while enhancing patient care quality and the professional well-being of RNs. Through comprehensive reforms and innovative strategies, the healthcare system can aspire to alleviate the burden of non-nursing tasks on RNs, ultimately fostering improved patient outcomes and fortifying the integrity of the nursing profession. 

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