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PCE 806 GCU Supervisory Relationships and Ethical Dilemmas Discussion

PCE 806 GCU Supervisory Relationships and Ethical Dilemmas Discussion


Provide a well-articulated response to each of the following two peer responses. The answer must be 250 words in length and include at least one current (within 5 years) citation and reference in APA 7th edition format. I have included the Discussion Question for context.

DQ 1 – Supervisory roles and relationships are interconnected. How might counseling supervisors best harness this interconnectivity to benefit their clients? Explain.

Tara’s Response:

I believe the client benefits when the relationship between the supervisor and supervisee is strong and communicative. Bernard and Goodyear (2019) explained one perspective of this relationship as triadic, which would also include the client into the correlation, recognizing each party influences the other two. This way of seeing supervision identifies the potential impact the supervisor can have on the client. For example, if the supervisor continually monitored the supervisee’s client interactions, and addressed concerns related to the specific clients, ultimately the client reaps the benefits from the supervisor.

Within the triadic system Bernard and Goodyear (2019) identify the supervisee as the pivotal person, as they are the one personally involved in both relationships. I agree with this, especially since the supervisee cannot usually cover every client issue and must be able to decipher which ones to focus on when asking for help. However, the role of the supervisor is important and can benefit the client indirectly through the supervisee.


Bernard, J. N., & Goodyear, R. K. (2019). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (6th ed.). Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134752518

Donterio’s Response:

As a clinical supervisor, it is important to understand that the concept of relationships is one of the most complex yet rewarding avenues to navigate as it relates to offering clinical supervision to supervisees. The nature of this relationships contributes an additional layer of dynamics than in other professional relationships. The relationship between the clinical supervisor and supervisee can offer a multitude of benefits for not only the supervisee, but the clinical supervisor as well. As human beings, it is important for us to establish and maintain relationships to fulfill our need for connectivity from a personal standpoint. But this understanding of relationships is even more essential from a professional standpoint as it pertains to clinical practice. Bernard and Goodyear (2019) indicate the need for social skills, mindfulness, style, appropriate power, self-disclosure, ability to form secure attachments, and multicultural competence as effective components for building an alliance. This cultivation of this alliance can offer significant personal and professional growth for a supervisee. Clinical supervisors can ask questions of the supervisees to better understand the significant factors that positively influence the clinical supervision process (Cook et al., 2018). The clinical supervisor taking this form of action can assist in the supervisee feeling empowered as well as providing them with an active role in the development of their clinical supervision environment.


Bernard, J. N., & Goodyear, R. K. (2019). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (6th ed.). Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134752518

Cook, R. M., McKibben, W. B., & Wind, S. A. (2018). Supervisee perception of power in clinical supervision: The power dynamics in supervision scale. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12(3), 188–195.

DQ 2 – Supervisor Caley has been Bhavna’s supervisor for 18 months. Bhavna is getting married and invited Caley to attend her wedding. Bhavna is from India and great significance is placed on the ceremony. How should Supervisor Caley respond to the invitation? Support your position using the ACA ethical guidelines.

Tara’s Response:

I believe adhering to some of the American Counseling Association’s (ACA) ethical codes requires some analysis on a case-by-case basis. This discussion question is a perfect example of having to make a professional judgment call. The ACA (2014) ethical code F.3.a. states, if a supervisor is considering extending the current supervisory relationship beyond conventional parameters, they must consider the benefits, risks, and their ability to maintain appropriate professional precautions. The ACA (2014) ethical code F.10.f. states, if a supervisor believes a nonprofessional relationship such as attending a formal ceremony will potentially benefit the student, they must take precautions similarly taken by counselors working with clients. The ACA (2014) ethical code A.6.c. states, counselors who extend boundaries with their clients must officially document (prior to interaction if feasible) the rationale for the interaction, the potential benefit(s), and any anticipated consequences.

After weighing the risks, benefits, and self-reflecting on the supervisor’s own ability to take professional precautions, if supervisor Caley determines attending Bhavna’s wedding will be beneficial, will not cause her harm or change their relationship, supervisor Caley should attend the wedding. However, the supervisor must clearly document how this decision was determined, list the benefits, potential risks, and explain to Bhavna they are able to attend to show support as her supervisor.

Tara Dorman


American Counseling Association. (2014). Code of ethics.

Donterio’s Response:

Clinical supervisors will be faced with ethical dilemmas that are apparent as well as some ethical dilemmas that may not be as apparent. There are times that clinical supervisors might lack an awareness of how to respond to ethical dilemmas when they present themselves. As clinical supervisors, it is important to be aware of the most recent codes of ethics as well as how to access these codes of ethics when encountering situations that could potentially impede on these codes of ethics. The ACA Code of Ethics provides counselors within the profession with ethical guidelines to use as a standard (Kaplan et al., 2017). The provided scenario for this discussion offers an ethical dilemma for the clinical supervisor that might not seem apparent yet it is apparent.

Counselor educator and supervisors are obligated to avoid the establishment of relationships that may compromise the counselor training experience (American Counseling Association, 2014). It is important to decrease the likelihood of the establishment of dual relationships. Although Supervisor Caley should express gratitude to Bhavna for the desire for inclusion in this significant milestone, Supervisor Caley should educate Bhavna on why it is in the best interest to potentially decline and/or accept the invitation. This is a significantly special moment for the supervisee. If a clinical supervisor feels that a nonprofessional relationship could be potentially beneficial to the supervisee, precautions should be taken (American Counseling Association, 2014). Interactions like formal ceremonies, such as weddings, are potentially beneficial to the supervisee (American Counseling Association, 2014). This approach to the ethical dilemma will provide acknowledgement of the clinical supervisor’s appreciation and recognition of the culturally significant of the ceremony for the supervisee while maintaining effective and healthy boundaries within the clinical supervisor-supervisee relationship. But this is also a situation where a clinical supervisor might feel inclined to attend to further cultivate the relationship given the past 18 months. But the decision to decline and/or accept is completely up to the clinical supervisor as long as the two understand the need to avoid this from impacting the professional relationship.


American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics.

Kaplan, D. M., Francis, P. C., Hermann, M. A., Baca, J. V., Goodnough, G. E., Hodges, S., Spurgeon, S. L., & Wade, M. E. (2017). New concepts in the 2014 aca code of ethics. Journal of Counseling & Development, 95(1), 110–120.

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