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PCE 806 GCU Models of Supervision Discussion

PCE 806 GCU Models of Supervision Discussion


Provide a well-articulated response to each of the following two peer responses. The response must be 250 words in length and include at least one citation and reference. I have included the Discussion Question for context.

1. Consider the counseling institution in which you work or an institution for which you would like to work. Do not identify the institution. Would a psychotherapy-based supervision model be appropriate in that setting? If so, which model(s) would be appropriate? Why? If not, why not?

Donterio’s Response:

The models of supervision offer clinical supervisors a conceptual framework to establish and develop structure, cohesiveness, and guidance within the clinical supervision process (Bernard and Goodyear, 2019). It is important to consider how the conceptual framework that a clinical supervisor practices will impact the clinical supervision process. Clinical supervisors must be aware of this as well as assess ongoing if their chosen framework is appropriate the supervisees that they are providing oversight to and/or planning to provide oversight to. I am employed fulltime within a community organization that provides a multitude of services with a primary focus on mental health. I am the primary practitioner that facilitates two of the clinical supervisions that are conducted monthly as an organizational and governing body requirement for any staff members that are providing direct care billable services to clients. The humanistic–relationship oriented supervision model and the cognitive–behavioral supervision model have been the most effective within this setting. The humanistic–relationship oriented supervision model focuses on increasing experiential awareness while utilizing the therapeutic relationship to encourage change whereas the cognitive–behavioral supervision model encourages the potential for the ability to learn in supervisees (Bernard and Goodyear, 2019). These two models can be efficiently integrated with one another due to the humanistic focus on individuals within the framework as well as the idea of personal and professional growth of supervisees.

Bernard, J. N., & Goodyear, R. K. (2019). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (6th ed.). Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134752518 2. What do you believe are the best tactics for structuring and implementing psychotherapy-based supervision models? Why? Would these tactics be effective in the counseling institution in which you work or an institution for which you would like to work? Why or why not?

Donterio’s Response:

The primary focus would be to identify the model(s) that would be the most appropriate to utilize within the given structure of the counseling institution. This process will assist in the strategic planning for structure and implementation of the model(s). The use of psychotherapy-based supervision models offer essential training to clinical supervisors through the integration of therapeutic aspects into supervisor practice as well as the supervision process (Falender and Shafranske, 2010). Although clinical supervisors are now counselors, education and training should be ongoing just as it would be ongoing for the supervisee. As it further relates to structure and implementation, it would be important to not only explore the given structure of the counseling institution, but the supervisees at the counseling institution. It is essential to consider the model(s) that would be most receptive and beneficial to the supervisees. This tactic to implementation would be effective within the organization that I work within. I have been able to assess supervisees in practice along with exploring areas of interest and desired growth. The use of psychotherapy-based models provides supervisees with the space and opportunity to perfect their skill sets with the given theoretical framework(s) (Bernard and Goodyear, 2019).

Bernard, J. N., & Goodyear, R. K. (2019). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (6th ed.). Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134752518

Falender, C. A., & Shafranske, E. P. (2010). Psychotherapy-based supervision models in an emerging competency-based era: A commentary. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 47(1), 45–50.

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