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PCE 806 GCU Choosing Philosophical Underpinnings Discussion Replies

PCE 806 GCU Choosing Philosophical Underpinnings Discussion Replies


Please provide a well-articulated response to the two discussion question peer responses. 

DQ 1 – How do counseling supervisors select philosophical underpinnings appropriate to their supervisory settings? What happens when the philosophy of the supervisor is not aligned with the setting? Explain.

Donterio’s Response:

Research emphasizes the importance of development of a personal philosophy of supervision as a clinical supervisor as well as the benefits of role modeling behaviors, cultivate an environment of learning, and finding an effective balance between challenging and supporting a supervisee (Borders, 2014). This development of a philosophy will directly contribute how a clinical supervisor will interact and engage supervisees within the supervision process. This application of a philosophy should also be considered in the context of the supervisory settings. One’s approach to supervision should be based on the context, supervisee, and needs within that given setting (Borders, 2014). If one’s philosophy does not align with the setting, it can be detrimental to the supervisor-supervisee relationship as well as has the likely to negatively impact the perception of the supervisee to clinical supervision. It is important as a clinical supervisor to consider how supervisees will relate to the perceptions that are created and how this impacts the supervision process (Bernard and Goodyear, 2019). Perception is truly how we view the world and as clinical supervisors it would be essential to remain aware of this as well as give consideration to how this will impact the supervisee moving forward.

DQ 2 – A primary purpose of clinical counselor supervision is to assure ethical practice. If ever clinical counselor supervision does not promote ethical practice, how should the supervisee respond? Support your view.

Donterio’s Response:

Clinical supervisors have a professional responsibility and obligation to model appropriate behaviors in interactions with supervisees to include the promotion of ethical practices within clinical supervision. Professional guidelines require that clinical supervisors adhere to appropriate ethical codes as well as the process for supervisees to conduct a compliant to the licensure board (Borders, 2017). It is essential that clinical supervisors take appropriate measures to prevent intentional harm to supervisees, which includes engagement in any behaviors that would be deemed to be unethical. Supervisees are in the process of developing their professional identities as counselors and clinical supervisors serve a significant role within this process. AUltimately, the counselor in training, the field of counseling, and the clients will be negatively impacted if a counselor does not understand the importance of operating in an ethical matter as well as assisting in the development of the supervisees’ counselor identity (Cruikshanks and Burns, 2017). If this is not occurring, supervisees should terminate the relationship with the clinical supervisor and seek an appropriate clinical supervisor. Also, the supervisee should report this clinical supervisor’s behaviors to the licensure board to prevent the likelihood of other supervisees having this same experience with the clinical supervisor. Supervisors have a significantly lengthy and personal relationship with supervisees as they navigate the process to becoming counselors (Cruikshanks and Burns, 2017). It is essential that this ethical responsibility is upheld by all clinical supervisors.

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