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Lawyer Career Field Survey Report

Lawyer Career Field Survey Report


Write and submit Field Survey Report (FSR) paper 

Organize your research findings from Career Center resources and Information Interview and write a 4 to 6 page paper.

Post your FSR paper in WEEK 6 Module-Field Survey Report Discussion.

Read all posted FSRs and reply to each other’s FSRs in the FSR Discussion

  1. How to write your FSR paper:

Begin with a brief introduction (about one page) explaining why you selected this career (refer to Strong and MBTI results!)…

  1. Organize information about the career into body paragraphs (3 or more pages, see below for details); and 

Write a conclusion (about one page) addressing your interest in the career and plans now that you have thoroughly researched the career that answers the following questions:  In what ways does this career fit with your Strong and MBTI results? Do you believe this is the career for you? Why or why not? What will you do next?

Include all of the following information, as well as additional details you find in your research, in the body of your paper:
Title of career, starting and potential salary, hours/schedule, benefits, job outlook, educational and training requirements (programs/majors, degrees, certificates, licenses, etc.) and schools in the area that offer the programs needed, personal characteristics, physical demands, work description, working conditions, locations (Where can you get this type of job? In what companies/settings?), opportunities for advancement, related occupations (alternatives).

You MUST include information about the career that you learn from one or more interviewees, 4 more internet/interview sources, and the information about your career choice from  (instructions for accessing and more provided in Internet Resources assignment in WEEK 4 Module).

A TOTAL OF 6 or more RESOURCES must be CITED in your paper and referenced

in a reference list at the end of your paper!
Be sure use in-text citations to cite the source (author or title, and page number in parentheses) of any information you include that is not common knowledge or your own original idea (means you should have citations in EVERY body paragraph).

You must include information from each of your 6 sources (including your interview and Eureka) and cite them to show it!
DO NOT string together quotations from other sources!
This paper needs to be in YOUR words so you will need to paraphrase and explain…ONLY use quotes when the way something was said is key to understanding the point.
Feel free to use MLA or APA format for reference list/works cited page (=bibliography).
PLEASE NOTE: FC Library homepage, accessible from, has details about how to use MLA and APA formats if you need them.

FINAL REFERENCE LIST (revised/updated Initial Reference List to include when you submit FSR paper)-

also called works cited and bibliography) SHOULD include:
the titles, authors, dates, and sources for each reference, as well as website addresses for Internet sites. Include as much information as you can to help readers locate your sources…if you cannot identify a credible SOURCE of an Internet article, you cannot use it-WEBSITE ADDRESS IS NOT ENOUGH! 

Also on your Reference List:

  1. For Information Interviews: Provide the person’s name, title (as in job title), place of employment, date of interview for your information interviewees and explain how you found the person (on your reference list).

For Eureka, write “Eureka” and the job title(s) that you accessed in Eureka and used in your paper, along with the date provided on the Eureka website (or date that you accessed the information in Eureka is also acceptable)

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