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KEMU The Helping Process The Quiet Client Role Play Scenario

KEMU The Helping Process The Quiet Client Role Play Scenario



The page length of this paper is 4 pages (this length does not include your title or reference page), double-spaced, 12-font (Arial or Times New Roman). Use APA formatting.


There are five stages in the helping process. This written assignment will focus on Stages 3 through 5, which involve: collaboratively creating goals, encouraging client exploration and taking action, and termination. Specific social work strategies and skills are required at each of these stages. Developing these skills takes time, practice, and supervision.

Paper Outline

In this writing assignment, you will:


Revisit the role play scenario chosen for your week 3 assignment, Applying the Helping Process Paper: Part I. You will use this one scenario again as the basis for another role play. *See page 2 for a review of the updated scenarios. You will play the part of the social work student. Your partner will act as the client.

Spend at least 15 minutes interviewing the client. Your goals of this role play are to practice the following skills:

Collaboratively creating client goals by asking the client goal-oriented questions identified in Chapter 6 of your textbook.

Encouraging client exploration and taking action by identifying strategies to use in goal attainment. These strategies are outlined in chapter 6 of your textbook and may include what to change first and a plan for how to make change. This aspect of the role play should focus on supporting the client in identifying barriers to change and problem solving.

Termination – do not role play this phase of the helping process. Instead, you will address it in step 2 below.


Reflect on the role play experience and answer the following questions in an essay format.

Describe the most challenging part of the role play?

How did you feel while you were applying goal setting and helping to identify action strategies for client change?

Explain how you reacted internally to any resistance or rejection by the client.

Share how you remained professional and held positive regard during the role play.

In Chapter 7 of your text, you learned about various social work theories and approaches. If you were to work long-term with the client in your chosen scenario, what approach may work best in assisting with change? Provide a justification for your choice.

Reflect on both Part I and II of this assignment regarding termination. Examine your own feelings about endings. What types of client situations or problems make it difficult for you to end the helping relationship?


Find at least three professional articles that may serve as a resource for goal setting and problem solving during the helping process. Include these articles in the reference section of your paper.



The Quiet Client

Criz is a 52-year-old office assistant who is having trouble at work. Criz was referred for counseling to help with tardiness at work which may result in job loss. Your role is to welcome Criz to the counseling agency and find out more about the difficulties related to getting to work on time. Criz has been sitting quietly in the office for two minutes with you and only responding to your questions with one-word answers. The silence is a barrier to engagement and understanding Criz’s needs.

*Criz begins to open up to you and discuss the issues that prevent him from getting to work on time. They include noisy neighbors, drinking wine before bed, and staying up late at night.

The Involuntary Client

Kevin is a 25-year-old single male who was mandated for group treatment at the clinic for anger. He is on probation and does not feel as though he has a problem or should be at the clinic. However, if Kevin does not enroll in groups, he will face imprisonment. You are the social work student greeting Kevin and finding out what he perceives as the problem that group therapy will address.

*Keving begins to open up to the idea of group treatment, but not for anger. He speaks with you about being bullied as a child, which causes him to respond with anger when he feels controlled and criticized.

The Nervous Client

Jill is a 19-year-old college student who was referred to the housing agency for help. You are the social work student who is assigned to meet Jill for the first time to find out her reasons for coming. She arrives and seems extremely nervous. Her eye contact is minimal, and she is looking around the office with an uncomfortable expression. She tells you this is her first time reaching out for help.

*Jill becomes calmer during the session and starts to open up about her housing issues. She begins to discuss issues with family and lack of support. She fears that she may have to leave college if she doesn’t find temporary housing soon.

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