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HCM 3101 CSU Ethical Issues in Medicine Resource Allocation Discussion

HCM 3101 CSU Ethical Issues in Medicine Resource Allocation Discussion


Read this short online article: to an external site.

Which one of the five legal and/or ethical issues listed in the article do you feel is the most pressing for today’s healthcare environment? What policies or initiatives are currently in place to combat your selected issue? Are there further policies or regulations being proposed (not yet adopted) that would address this problem? How would/does your selected issue impact healthcare management operations? Support your comments with concepts and information we’ve touched on in this module, as well as with any credible research from beyond the course.

Be sure to write an initial, substantive post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. MT and respond to two or more peers with substantive responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. A substantive initial post answers the question presented completely and/or asks a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic. Substantive peer responses ask thoughtful questions pertaining to the topic and/or answers a question (in detail) posted by another student. Support your statements with logic and cite any information that is specifically referenced in your comments. Post your initial response early and check back often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to your peers’ and instructor’s posts, as well.

peer response 1: 

Abraham Elazazy

Aug 16, 2023Aug 16 at 12:32pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Hey Class, 

After thoroughly examining the ethical issues in medicine highlighted in the provided article, the concern of “Resource Allocation” has emerged as a particularly pertinent and pressing matter in today’s complex healthcare environment. The ongoing challenges posed by the global pandemic, along with the ever-increasing demands on healthcare resources, have heightened the urgency of ensuring fair and just distribution of these resources.

In response to this critical issue, several policies and initiatives have been put into place to tackle the complexities of resource allocation. Hospitals and healthcare institutions have proactively established triage protocols that prioritize patients based on the severity of their condition and the level of need, aiming to allocate resources to those who require them the most. Furthermore, certain regions and medical organizations have developed comprehensive frameworks for ethical decision-making in resource allocation, with a primary focus on maintaining transparency and consistency throughout the process.

However, the current landscape also involves proposed policies and regulations that address this challenge in more comprehensive ways. These proposals include the formulation of clear guidelines for resource allocation during emergencies, as well as discussions centered on prioritizing vulnerable populations, thereby demonstrating a proactive approach towards ensuring equitable distribution.

It’s important to acknowledge that the impact of resource allocation ethical issues on healthcare management operations is substantial. Healthcare managers find themselves at the intersection of ethical considerations and operational efficiency. They must skillfully navigate the intricate balancing act of allocating scarce resources while upholding the core ethical principles of fairness and justice. Furthermore, these managers shoulder the responsibility of ensuring that the decisions made are transparent, well-communicated, and firmly aligned with the organization’s overarching values. These considerations extend beyond the clinical realm, encompassing effective patient care, staff well-being, and the preservation of an ethically sound organizational culture.

In conclusion, the ethical issue of resource allocation stands as a focal point demanding immediate attention in the modern healthcare landscape. The existing policies and initiatives, coupled with the potential regulatory changes, reflect the healthcare industry’s persistent commitment to addressing this ethical challenge. Navigating these complex waters requires healthcare management operations to skillfully integrate ethical considerations into resource allocation strategies, ensuring optimal outcomes for both patients and healthcare providers alike.

Works Cited:

Daniels, N., del Pilar Guzmán Urrea, M., Rentmeester, C. A., Kotchian, S. A., Fontaine, S., Hernández-Aguado, I., … & Viens, A. M. (2016). Resource allocation and priority setting. Public health ethics: cases spanning the globe, 61-94.

Sokol, Dr Daniel, et al. “Top 5 Ethical Issues in Medicine.” The Hippocratic Post, 2 Nov. 2018,

peer response 2: 

Paris Adamson

MondayAug 28 at 11:51pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Confidentiality is both a legal and ethical issue that is especially pertinent in today’s healthcare landscape with the digitization of healthcare records, as we learned in last week’s module. Confidentiality is a cornerstone of healthcare. When patients can not trust that their health data is safe and secure, it erodes the trust between patients and providers and inhibits open and honest communication necessary for effective care. This lack of trust can result in poorer health outcomes, as persons may disengage from seeking out care or omit crucial information from providers that may delay or forego appropriate treatment for certain conditions. Exposure of persons’ private health information without consent violates the ethical principles of autonomy, justice, and nonmaleficence. Dignity and respect in regard to a person’s protected health information is essential, otherwise, patients may face discrimination, stigmatization, or suboptimal treatment outcomes as a result.

The most commonly known legislation regarding patient privacy is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), established in 1996. This Act sets federal standards for the appropriate handling of patient data, including storage and transmission. All healthcare providers, insurance companies, and third-party entities that handle patient data must abide by these laws, otherwise face severe penalties including fines and litigation. To further strengthen HIPAA, in 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) was created to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare service delivery through the meaningful use of electronic health records (Niles, 2021). HITECH seeks to address the vulnerabilities that exist within the digital sphere in regard to patient confidentiality. It addresses concerns by obligating healthcare organizations to implement robust cybersecurity and encryption in order to protect them from data breaches, cyberattacks, and unauthorized access to patient records. It also gives patients greater ownership and control over their own information, with greater transparency about how and why their data is disclosed. HITECH also implemented a reporting requirement for data breaches to affected individuals, the statistics of which are astounding. From 2015 to 2019, over 145 million patient records were exposed in various data breaches and hacking incidents (Seh, et al., 2020).  

The damages of confidentiality and patient data breaches are far-reaching. Improper dissemination of information can result in denial of equity, justice, or fairness based on particularly sensitive data such as sexual and reproductive health, substance use disorders, genetic conditions, and mental health treatment (Chiruvella & Guddati, 2021). The commercialization and selling of patient data to and from various entities–think Amazon’s purchase of PillPack Pharmacy in 2018, or even 23 & Me DNA testing–opens the door to greater vulnerability to privacy breaches. Even anonymized data runs the risk of being reidentified and thus revealing millions of people’s protected health information. While there is some potential benefit to utilization of patient data, such as for research into disease and public health initiatives, there is a fine line that exists between altruistic use of data, and nefarious use of data. 

Further research into applicable privacy protection measures is essential. One option is to expand the provisions of HIPAA to address the solicited distribution of data between covered entities, as well as unauthorized data dissemination, which could result in provider bias, increased insurance costs, or discriminatory or unequal healthcare treatment for patients (Chiruvella & Guddati, 2021). Utilizing secure blockchain technology is a strategy that is gaining traction in the healthcare sector, as it ensures secure storage and selective access of records, as well as greater patient control over who can access their health records. Blockchain also provides the immutability and interoperability of patient data so that transmission is seamless, secure, and without error (Sabu, et al., 2021). 

Confidentiality greatly impacts healthcare management and operations. Sufficient resources must be allocated toward EMR cybersecurity and maintenance of digital health record systems within a healthcare organization. Identifying potential vulnerabilities within the system and implementing corrective action via auditing and data monitoring is essential for ensuring compliance with federal privacy regulations. Mishandling of patient data can be disastrous for an organization financially, legally, and ethically and thus requires ongoing staff training and oversight for responsible data access as well as risk management tactics for addressing technological vulnerabilities. All of these strategies play a key role in ensuring equitable patient care and solidifying patient trust in the health care system. 


Chiruvella, V., & Guddati, A. K. (2021). Ethical issues in patient data ownership. Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 10(2).

Seh, A. H., Zarour, M., Alenezi, M., Sarkar, A. K., Agrawal, A., Kumar, R., & Ahmad Khan, R. (2020). Healthcare data breaches: Insights and implications. Healthcare, 8(2), 133. 

Sabu, S., Ramalingam, H. M., Vishaka, M., Swapna, H. R., & Hegde, S. (2021). Implementation of a secure and privacy-aware E-Health record and IOT data sharing using blockchain. Global Transitions Proceedings, 2(2), 429–433.

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