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Vulnerable populations are those who frequently face social determinants of health that put them at a disadvantage compared to others (Green, 2018). Examples of groups who fall into this category are immigrants, minorities, or prisoners. Public health nurses have the responsibility to maintain their cultural competency skills so they can advocate for immigrants and minorities in their community. Because of global factors like war, gangue violence, and climate change these populations will continue to grow in the US (Green, 2018) Thus, it makes sense that our medical system remains vigilant in meeting the needs of those in this group. An article by Persaud et al. (2021) is full of insightful information regarding how migrants face barriers to health. The article argues that geopolitical determinants of health offer a perspective of health that is often overlooked and, thus, migrants often remain vulnerable to poor health outcomes. Migrants are often unable to advocate for themselves because of language barriers, a lack of education and health literacy, and a lack of social support (Persaud, et al., 2021). Often times the cultural experience of migrants is downplayed because the geopolitical determinants of health are not considered when making healthcare policy decisions, and this ultimately adds to the stress that migrants face in the US. Public health nurses must educate themselves about the geopolitical determinants of health and the role they play in nursing. This would benefit public health nursing because it would validate the experience that migrants have and perhaps make them feel that they are not invisible and do have people on their side when migrating to a new country.