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GCC Competency Alignment Productivity and Efficiency Discussion

GCC Competency Alignment Productivity and Efficiency Discussion


Review week five’s discussion feedback from faculty and peers. Using the workflow chosen and created in week five, determine the T.I.G.E.R.’s initiatives which correlate with the selected workflow. 

The integration of telemedicine has emerged as a significant technological advancement that has transformed the delivery of patient care in my chosen profession as a nurse. Telemedicine involves the remote provision of healthcare services through digital and telecommunications technology, enabling medical practitioners to diagnose, treat, and manage patients from a distance. According to Keohane et al. (2008), this innovation markedly enhances patient outcomes, safety, and care within healthcare organizations.

As a nurse, telemedicine can be effectively incorporated into the workflow for post-hospital discharge follow-up care. After a patient is discharged, regular follow-up appointments are crucial for monitoring their progress, managing medications, and addressing any new issues that may arise. Implementing telemedicine for these follow-up visits offers several advantages, as highlighted by Labib et al. (2018). The elimination of travel requirements significantly enhances patient convenience, particularly for individuals with limited mobility or those residing in rural areas. Moreover, telemedicine boosts patient engagement and appointment adherence by overcoming barriers such as transportation challenges.

Nevertheless, it’s important to consider certain limitations. Technical glitches and internet accessibility issues could potentially disrupt effective communication and evaluation. Ensuring compliance with healthcare data privacy laws necessitates careful handling of privacy and security concerns associated with transmitting sensitive medical information (Russ et al., 2009). Incorporating telemedicine into follow-up care offers numerous benefits for providing patient care. It enables prompt interventions and monitoring, thus mitigating potential complications. Nurses can assess conditions, provide guidance on self-care techniques to patients and their families (Labib et al., 2018). This continuous communication fosters a patient-centered approach, ultimately enhancing the quality of care.

To underscore the significance of telemedicine as a nurse, a peer-reviewed journal by Huynh et al. (2016) reported that telemedicine interventions yielded positive impacts on patient outcomes, reduced hospital readmissions, and elevated patient satisfaction across various healthcare settings.


Huynh, N., Snyder, R., Vidal, J. M., Sharif, O., Cai, B., Parsons, B., & Bennett, K. (2016). Assessment of the nurse medication administration workflow process. Journal of healthcare engineering, 2016.

Keohane, C. A., Bane, A. D., Featherstone, E., Hayes, J., Woolf, S., Hurley, A., … & Poon, E. G. (2008). Quantifying nursing workflow in medication administration. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(1), 19-26.

Labib, J. R., Youssef, M. R. L., & Abd El Fatah, S. A. (2018). High alert medications administration errors in neonatal intensive care unit: A pediatric tertiary hospital experience. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 60(3).

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Russ, A. L., Zillich, A. J., McManus, M. S., Doebbeling, B. N., & Saleem, J. J. (2009). A human factors investigation of medication alerts: barriers to prescriber decision-making and clinical workflow. In AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings (Vol. 2009, p. 548). American Medical Informatics Association. 

that is my week 5 post 

that is the “feedback” from my peers:

  • Great discussion! Telehealth has emerged as a new type of medical care quickly thanks to the extensive use of information and communication technology in the medical industry. In order to support and advance long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health, and health administration, the field of telehealth is used. In order to establish standards for medical professionals who use linked health technologies to deliver high-quality care, the American Nurses Association has developed thirteen fundamental connected health principles. Using telehealth modalities in nurse practitioner education was advised by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) in 2018. (Yu-tong et al., 2022)REFERENCEYu-tong, T., Zhang, Y., Liu, Z., Xu, B., & Qing-yun, C. (2022). Telehealth readiness and its influencing factors among Chinese clinical nurses: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education in Practice, 58,
  • 103278. Links to an external site.“> to an external site. 

Thank you for your post this week. Telemedicine is really an up and coming tool in medicine right now! I think that the COVID-19 pandemic really brought out the benefits of this option. I have also used telemedicine in a different aspect. In the hospital that I work in there are no Pschyiatrist on staff, so when patients come into the hospital and require the services of Psych, the staff assists with a telemedicine visit with a Psychiatrist contracted with the hospital. The hospital has a rolling “telemedicine cart” that has a mounted iPad with a keyboard that is used. The “visit” is initiated by the staff using a secure portal and the Psychiatrist is able to interview the staff and the patient and uses the hospital staff to perform any physical aspects of the exam. This may not seem to be the optimal choice in providing Psychiatric services but this has significantly improved the availability of the service to patients in an area that does not have the availability otherwise. A recent observational study performed in New York revealed that “the use of telepsychiatry in EDs allows remote access to psychiatric providers with expertise in emergency psychiatry, helps improve patient care, facilitate patient discharge, and prevent ED crowding” (Zhong et al., 2021).


Zhong, C., Freeman, R. E., Boggs, K. M., Zachrison, K. S., Gao, J., Espinola, J. A., & Camargo, C. A., Jr. (2021). Receipt of Telepsychiatry and Emergency Department Visit Outcomes in New York State. The Psychiatric Quarterly, 92(3), 1109–1127. 

Explain how the evaluation of the workflow will be determined.

What type of information would need to be gathered to be used to evaluate the workflow’s implementation and effectiveness?

Identify at least two type of evaluation methods.

  • Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.
  • Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. 
  • McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 13: Workflow and Beyond Meaningful Use

Chapter 14: The Electronic Health Record and Clinical Informatics

Chapter 15: Informatic Tools to Promote Patient Safety and Quality Outcomes

AHRQ (2019). What is workflow?Links to an external site. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.…

AHRQ (2019). Health IT evaluation toolkit and evaluation measures quick reference guidesLinks to an external site.. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.…

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