CRJ 220 Ethics and Leadership in Criminal Justice Week 10 Assignment Ethics in Corrections
Week 10 Assignment – Ethics in Corrections
For this assignment, you will answer the questions on the one-page Ethics in Corrections Template document, which is located within the Interactive below.
Step 1: Review Chapters 10–13 in the textbook.
Step 2: Review the ACA Code of Ethics.
Step 3: Play the Interactive.
- Be sure to download the Ethics in Corrections Template document (located within the Interactive).
Step 4: Following the instructions in the template, write your answers within the template you downloaded from the Interactive.
Step 5: Submit your assignment.
- On the Week 10 Assignment link, scroll down to the Assignment Submission section.
- Click Browse My Computer.
- Locate and select your completed Ethics in Corrections Template document on your hard drive.
- Click Open to attach the document. (When attached it will appear below the Attached Files section.)
- Click Submit.
The specific course learning outcome(s) associated with this assignment are:
- Determine ethical and philosophical principles to address ethical issues in corrections.
- Step 1: Review Chapters 10–13 in the textbook.
- Step 2: Review the ACA Code of Ethics.
- ACA Code Of Ethics
The American correctional Association expects of its members unfailing honesty, respect for the dignity and individuality of human beings and a commitment to professional and compassionate service. To this end, we subscribe to the following principles.
- Members shall respect and protect the civil and legal rights of all individuals.
- Members shall treat every professional situation with concern for the welfare of the individuals involved and with no intent to personal gain.
- Members shall maintain relationships with colleagues to promote mutual respect within the profession and improve the quality of service.
- Members shall make public criticism of their colleagues or their agencies only when warranted, verifiable, and constructive.
- Members shall respect the importance of all disciplines within the criminal justice system and work to improve cooperation with each segment.
- Members shall honor the public’s right to information and share information with the public to the extent permitted by law subject to individuals’ right to privacy.
- Members shall respect and protect the right of the public to be safeguarded from criminal activity.
- Members shall refrain from using their positions to secure personal privileges or advantages.
- Members shall refrain from allowing personal interest to impair objectivity in the performance of duty while acting in an official capacity.
- Members shall refrain from entering into any formal or informal activity or agreement which presents a conflict of interest or is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of duties.
- Members shall refrain from accepting any gifts, services, or favors that is or appears to be improper or implies an obligation inconsistent with the free and objective exercise of professional duties.
- Members shall clearly differentiate between personal views/statements and views/statements/positions made on behalf of the agency or Association.
- Members shall report to appropriate authorities any corrupt or unethical behaviors in which there is sufficient evidence to justify review.
- Members shall refrain from discriminating against any individual because of race, gender, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, age, disability, or any other type of prohibited discrimination.
- Members shall preserve the integrity of private information; they shall refrain from seeking information on individuals beyond that which is necessary to implement responsibilities and perform their duties; members shall refrain from revealing nonpublic information unless expressly authorized to do so.
- Members shall make all appointments, promotions, and dismissals in accordance with established civil service rules, applicable contract agreements, and individual merit, rather than furtherance of personal interests.
- Members shall respect, promote, and contribute to a work place that is safe, healthy, and free of harassment in any form
- Step 3: Play the Interactive.
- .Introduction
Meet Correctional Officer Nestor Asencio
Nestor has worked for the state prison for four years and is interested in applying for a promotion. He has been consistent with enforcing the rules at the prison and has a reputation for having great communication skills with inmates and coworkers. He regularly intervenes to avoid conflicts from arising in the prison. He sees his role as providing as safe environment for guards and prisoners.
Completing bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Completed Correctional Officer’s Academy.Additional certifications/special training:
Has attended training on how to get the emergency response unit to deal with riots or other uprisings.Roles interact with most often:
Correctional supervisor (sergeant or lieutenant), other correctional officers and inmatesGET STARTED
- Interview Officer Asencio
Interview Officer Asencio to learn more about his role in corrections.Select the character icon Character to continue. - What do you like most about your job?
- Nestor Asencio: Over time, you get to know the inmates and they get to know you. Inmates know the rules, and they’ll test you. The more you can provide consistency and treat them like human beings, the more they respect you. What I like most about this aspect is that over time you really develop a set of communication skills that are essential for the job. I’ve had some success dealing with inmates, and the inmates respond well to me for the most part.
- What’s most challenging?
- Nestor Asencio: The prison is way over capacity. It’s a common situation nationwide. Overcrowding affects both correctional officers and inmates. We just had a major incident here at Elm Park Heights where both officers and inmates were injured. So danger is always present, though we follow all kinds of rules and procedures to mitigate it. We train to prepare for incidents, so we’re as ready as we can be. But conflicts always erupt between inmates, and they need to be defused. Having a high inmate-to-correctional officer ratio makes it that much harder to do your job, and it increases risk.
- How does your job affect how you see current issues?
- Nestor Asencio: I’m not a political person. In the military, I followed orders, and I do the same in corrections. But supervisors at work are talking about what can be done about the high prison population. We know bad guys need to stay behind bars. But our safety is affected, and the union has a say in our working conditions. I’m glad this issue is getting some visibility now, because something needs to be done.
- Why did you get into this career?
- Nestor Asencio: I served in the military as an MP. When my service term ended, I heard the state was hiring correctional officers. It seemed like a good fit. The pay is good, and the job is close to home.
What do people say when you tell them you’re a correctional officer?
Nestor Asencio: A lot of times I don’t bring it up. I’ll be honest, with certain crowds, it’s not a light-hearted conversation. People think of you as a prison guard… That’s an old term that people still use, but the job is more than that. It’s difficult, and it’s complex. And it’s something I try to leave at work when I walk out the door. That’s just the best way to deal with the stress and go home to your family for a lot of us. I’m just being real here, it’s a challenging job.
What’s a typical day at work like?
Nestor Asencio: A typical day starts by reporting to the sergeant, who assigns us to various job responsibilities. I usually work visitor area, cell block, or control room. I guide inmates through their day. Most are in the common areas between meals, and I keep order. At night we do security checks to account for all inmates as they return to their cells. When crimes occur, I’ll occasionally assist with the investigation. I’m also part of the emergency response team that brings dangerous situations under control.
What’s the number one skill required for this job?
Nestor Asencio: The ability to communicate is number one. To read people, know how they’re motivated and how to talk to them.
Download the Ethics in Corrections Template [DOCX] and answer the following questions, using your own words. Write your answers in well-developed sentences or short paragraphs.
- Explain at least five duties of a correctional officer.
- In your own words, describe five codes of ethics from the ACA Code of Ethics that you find most important. Explain why you find them valuable.
- List and discuss three ethical dilemmas faced by correctional officers. For example: A correctional officer sees his colleague (a fellow correctional officer) selling cigarettes to inmates-which is against prison policy. The ethical dilemma is whether to report the co-worker.