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EDCO 711 LU Ethical Issues Nature in Counseling Discussion Replies

EDCO 711 LU Ethical Issues Nature in Counseling Discussion Replies


Please respond to the following 2 discussion posts

1. Jo.M Posted

The ethical dilemma I chose from Brown (2018) was the issue with the adolescent group leader disclosing information about the newest group member without consent.

The group had been meeting for four sessions prior to the newest member joining. At the new members’ first meeting, the adolescent was introduced to the group while the group leader also shared that the new member had been experiencing depressive symptoms following his father moving out of the home. The group leader had obtained this information from the client when they were being screened for entrance into the group. The leader had recommended the adolescent share this information with the group, but the client only reported he would consider the recommendation. The group leader never received confirmation or permission that the client would be comfortable with the group having this knowledge. Since the group leader disclosed the client’s personal information without permission, the leader violated the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) and the International Board for Certification of Group Psychotherapists (IBCGP) Guidelines for Ethics code 2.3 that states “The group therapist is knowledgeable about the limits of privileged communication as they apply to group therapy and informs group members of those limits” and code 2.4 which states “Except where required by law, the group psychotherapist shall share information about the group members with others only after obtaining appropriate patient/client consent. Specific permission must be requested to permit conferring with the referring therapist or with the individual therapist where the patient/client is in conjoint therapy” (AGPA & IBCGP, 2002). Code 2.3 was in clear violation as the group leader failed to inform the client of the limits of confidentiality when the client disclosed this information during the initial screening. The group leader instead recommended the client share his presenting problems with the group. The group leader violated code 2.4 when they proceeded to unnecessarily and unlawfully disclose the client’s information without receiving consent from the client to do so. The content of the client’s presenting issues were not legally mandated to be reported, and the group setting was not an appropriate place to disclose this information without the client’s consent.

Due to this breach of confidentiality, significant trust and damage may have been caused to the client, the group, and the therapist. This challenging situation would require a dynamic approach to resolve. First, the therapist should acknowledge and take responsibility for the ethical violation by discussing it with the client and the other group members. The therapist should model accountability, apologize to the client and group members, and reiterate the importance of maintaining confidentiality (Corey et al., 2018). The group leader would do well to share their intent and purpose for disclosing the personal information to begin rebuilding trust and the relationship with the client and group. Additionally, the group leader should remind clients that there may be occasions where confidentiality breaches accidentally occur and reiterate to the group the importance and limits of confidentiality (Corey et al., 2018). If irreparable damage has occurred, it may be best for the group leader to be replaced to prevent further harm. Lastly, it may be required that the group leader themselves, or another therapist, report the ethical violation to the appropriate entity per AGPA (2002) Professional Standard number 3 that states “The group psychotherapist shall accept the obligation to attempt to inform and alert other group psychotherapists who are violating ethical principles or to bring those violations to the attention of appropriate professional authorities.” It may also benefit the leader to seek supervision, consultation, and continuing education regarding law and ethical behavior in group therapy (Darby et al., 2020).

2.Ta. L P posted

Group Counseling and Ethics

In group psychotherapy, ethical considerations are crucial in defending clients’ rights and welfare. This significance is sharply underlined in a particular ethical dilemma, which is captured in a scenario where a group of teenagers must deal with the arrival of a new member with a disclosed personal issue. The discussion that follows painstakingly dissects this moral conundrum, highlighting the violation of secrecy, and supports its analysis by citing the American Psychological Association (APA) Code of Ethics. Additionally, this discussion elaborates on several actions prepared to rectify and stop similar offenses in the future.

A moral dilemma is revealed when a new participant is added to an adolescent group therapy session. Based on information gathered throughout the screening process, the group facilitator revealed that the new member’s despondency was caused by his father’s recent departure during the session. The client’s permission to share this private information with the group was neither expressly requested nor recorded. In a group context, dealing with confidential issues necessitates upholding clients’ autonomy, ensuring confidentiality, and getting informed consent.

The 2017 version of the APA Code of Ethics acts as a guide for moral behavior in psychology. Psychologists must get informed consent before sharing private information, as stated in Standard 3.10(a). Furthermore, Standard 4.01(a) highlights the significance of preserving the dignity and autonomy of customers (Giacomucci, 2019). In this instance, the group leader’s revelation without express permission violates these norms, posing moral dilemmas.

A proactive and client-focused strategy is required to resolve the ethical quandary. The group leader should initially apologize for the lapse and admit the breach of confidentiality. This action shows responsibility and esteem for the client’s privacy. The group leader should then privately talk with the new participant (Ristianti et al., 2019). The client should have the chance to share his thoughts during this conversation regarding the disclosure and work with you to devise a solution.

An open discussion is necessary to resolve the problem inside the group. The significance of informed permission, confidentiality, and the potential effects of violations on group dynamics can all be covered in a special session. This conversation promotes engagement, deepens group members’ grasp of ethical ideas, and fosters an environment of openness.

The importance of correcting this ethical failure goes beyond the immediate circumstance. Pope and Vasquez (2020) contend that making ethical decisions requires continuing introspection, lifelong learning, and adherence to moral principles (Hewitt et al., 2020). Therapists maintain a professional and ethical therapeutic environment by quickly acknowledging and addressing ethical violations.

To sum up, the scenario’s depiction of the revelation of personal information inside a group therapy context emphasizes the complex landscape of ethical considerations. This story highlights the importance of obtaining informed permission, protecting confidentiality, and upholding the APA Code of Ethics. Therapists can skillfully deal with ethical dilemmas by acknowledging breaches openly, encouraging confidential conversations, and encouraging honest interactions among group members. In addition to addressing difficulties, this multidimensional strategy strengthens client autonomy while fostering a culture that values moral rectitude and is consistent with the fundamental ideas that guide group psychotherapy. Therapists negotiate the complexities of their field while protecting clients’ well-being and the confidentiality of their therapy processes by consciously upholding ethical standards. Through dissecting real-world scenarios such as this, one gains insights into informed consent, confidentiality breaches, and the significance of ethical guidelines in upholding professional conduct for clients’ well-being.

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