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CU Risk Management Assessment Questions

CU Risk Management Assessment Questions


Take a look at this scenario where a potential risk management issue is explored. Watch the segment and prepare to respond to what you observe. Use the video transcript

How was my week? Same. It’s always the same. I do my job. I come home. I turn on the TV for a while. I mostly watch lawyer shows, cop shows. They’re formula, but I guess I like the formula. It’s like life. It’s pretty much the same thing over and over again. I don’t have a favorite. They’re all OK.

Interests? You mean like a hobby? No. I’m not really good at anything. By the time I get home, I’m not really looking for something to do. I gotta make dinner. I got to keep my place clean-ish. I’m not perfect. The laundry doesn’t always get to the hamper or whatever. But it’s not a pigsty. It’s fine, but it’s time consuming.

I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to anybody in the family in a while. I don’t have anything against them or anything. It’s just my dad passed away a few years ago. My mom and I, we just never got along. I do have a sister. She and her husband are really successful. They don’t want to think about me. I don’t blame them. I don’t want to think about me.

Do I get lonely? Not really. I feel like if I had someone in my life, I’d bore them to death or something. Like what would we have to talk about? You and I just started talking five minutes ago, and I can barely think of anything to say to you. What would it be like if I lived with someone, and I had to talk to them every day?

Sure, I like the drink. It’s not a problem. Two or three beers few nights a week. No, it’s not bad. It’s fine. I have my own place. I pay my bills. And I can put food in the fridge. I don’t take those things for granted. I think I’m emotionally OK,

I came to the clinic because of a cough and a weird rash I’ve had past few weeks. I didn’t come here for attention or anything like that. Last thing I want is for anyone to bring attention on me. Don’t waste any time on me.

What am I looking forward to? Gee, I never thought about that. I don’t have a bucket list or anything like that if that’s what you mean. Seems pointless to plan too far ahead. Way I see it, one day you’re here. Next day, you’re not.

What, hurt myself? I don’t want to talk about that. I came here about the rash. Can we talk about the rash? Do you have the tests back? Is there an ointment I can get or something? Promise not to hurt myself? No, I’m not much on promises. I always end up breaking them. What’s the point? I’m sorry. I gotta go now.

Please respond in detail to the following questions about the video:

  • What are the observable facts in the situation?
  • What additional information would you want to have in order to assess the situation, and why?
  • What potential risks do you see in the situation?
  • What actions might you need to take to ensure the safety of everyone involved?

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