- Section1: Introduction- Please tell the reader how the paper is organized and what is to come. For example, the following paper is divided into ? sections. The first section reviews….. This is followed by…… Your introduction will be about 1/3 of a page. Please note this is how all papers should start in this class.
- Section 2: Career goals- Identify your career goals, both short term and long term. You can identify what you are currently doing (if you are already employed in your chosen field, whether that be in criminal justice or any other field) or what you hope to do and why you want this as a career or are already doing this as a career? One way to approach this is to think about a common interview question you may encounter when applying for a job and the interviewer asks you, “why do you want to be a ? (police officer, probation officer, etc.)” If you don’t know what you want to do, select something that you think you might want to do in the future. It is OK if your career goal is no longer CJ- related, write whatever it is that you want to do.
- Section 3: Preparation- How have you prepared (or did you) prepare to enter the profession you identified in your career goals? Beyond earning a degree, what other things have you done to help you learn and prepare to enter your chosen career? Label this “Preparation”
Here are some question prompts to help you formulate your response.- How have you developed skills to be successful in your chosen career?
- Have you worked/volunteered in certain areas?
- Have you conducted any informational interviews?
- Have you done any job shadowing?
- Have you done any career aptitude or assessments (for example,Strength Finders)?
- Section 4: Challenges/problems/issues- In this particular chosen field that you identified in your career goals, identify what are three major challenges/problems/issues that you will likely encounter and why. Each challenges/problems/issues should be at least 1/3 page long. This means this section will be at least one full page. For each area bring in some recent (2017 or newer) evidence (statistics, case studies, empirical research, etc.) to support what you are writing. This means you will have at least three different citations. Please note, if your chosen profession is not going to be in the criminal justice field that is OK. Complete this question for whatever field you are going to be going into as there will be challenges in any field you decide to work.
- Section 5: Continuing Education- As someone going into or is already in the profession, where should you be going to get information that is relevant for this particular field to stay current? Again, if you are choosing to go into a profession other than criminal justice that is OK, please complete this response to whatever is going to be your chosen field. In short, how does someone in this field stay relevant and current? This may take a little digging to find out (including asking people who are in the field what he/she/they do). Please be specific here, not general. What you say here should match your chosen career. Summarize what you find out in at least a 1/2 page or more.
Here are some question prompts to help you formulate your response.- are there any specific trade magazines or journals that you should be reading (if yes, identify the names),
- are there specific websites that you should visit (what are they- include links),
- are there specific social media outlets you should follow (like which ones- include links if possible),
- are there important books that you should read (identify names),
- are there specific conferences you should attend (list them), are there professional organizations you should be affiliated with (identify the names),
- are there specific podcasts (which ones), etc.
- Section 6: Advice to Freshman Self- If you could give advice to your freshman self about your academic journey, what would you tell yourself and why? This should be about 1/3-1/2 page.
- Section 7: Excitements/concerns- As you are set to graduate in the near future, what are you most excited about? What are you most concerned or apprehensive about (if anything)? Do you feel you are prepared to enter your chosen profession? Is there something specific (knowledge, skill, or ability) that you wish you had a better handle on/ability/comprehension of/etc.? This should be about 1/2 page.
- Section 8: Importance of Bachelor’s Degree. What does having a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or law enforcement signal to the outside world? What advantages does a four year degree provides? Bring in at least one academic (use the library) source dated 2017 or newer to support what you write. This should be at least 1/3-1/2 page.
- Section 9: Skills and Knowledge. What are at least two skills/knowledge every student graduating with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice/law enforcement should be able to do/know and why? This should be at least 2 paragraphs and have at least two citations.
- Section 10: Mission Statement. Write a personal mission statement. You may have done something similar in CJS 350 or CJS 375. To help create your mission statement, think about what your life is about, what you stand for, and what actions are you taking to live your life for what you want it stand for. It might be helpful to read mission statements of organizations to help get you started. This will be a few sentences/1 paragraph.
- Section 11: Conclusion. This will be one paragraph.
- Section 12: References.