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BUSI 415 Liberty University Agile Manifesto Dynamic Evolution from The Structured Framework Discussion

BUSI 415 Liberty University Agile Manifesto Dynamic Evolution from The Structured Framework Discussion



Post 2 replies of at least 150 words. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed journal articles, the textbook, the Bible, etc.

Student 1: Gabriel Petry

PKBOK standards have long been used by project managers in support of managing project teams. These are valuable in that they offer “information on the processes that can be carried out for effective management” (Jiménez, Afonso, & Fernandes, 2020, para. 8). One can review and apply information about technical aspects of project management as well as various tools and techniques that utilize and contribute to the inputs and outputs of the different phases of a project. Often considered the “traditional approach,” PMBOK is widely agreed to be able to apply to “any project environment” (2020, para. 8).

The Agile Manifesto is a dynamic evolution from the structured framework of the PMBOK standards. In short it focuses on four principles: individuals and interactions more than processes and tools, working the project operations over verbose documentation, collaborating with customers over negotiating contracts, and responsive changes over following a plan (Jiménez, Afonso, & Fernandes, 2020, sec. 2.2). This methodology was created originally for application to software projects but is expanding to more and more types of projects (Guerrero-Ulloa, Rodríguez-Domínguez, & Hornos, 2023, sec. 1.1).

PMBOK is a heavily documented and precise guide for what a project manager should be managing including creating, maintaining, and updating documents for the sake of continually adding to the personal body of knowledge that is within a project manager (PM), their stakeholders, and their repertoire. Agile is the next tier of knowledge-based enlightenment if you will. A PM using the Agile methodology cannot simply decide to use it and make it their system of choice. More likely, they will be well versed and practiced in the habits and structures of PMBOK before making the leap to Agile methods. Without the experience and expert judgement that they would gain through the traditional methods including PMBOK, it is likely that working in an Agile project could turn into chaos and poorly informed decision making. Furthermore, Agile is best suited for smaller project teams and the customer must be willing and able to work with the PM and their team in real-time collaboration to ensure their satisfaction with what the project will yield in the end (Guerrero-Ulloa, Rodríguez-Domínguez, & Hornos, 2023, para. 5).

The project customer is the source of the project. As such, they must have a clear vision for what is desired and a reasonable idea for how it might come to fruition. This vision is then entrusted to the project manager but not abandoned but the project customer until the final product. As the project progresses and grows through its life cycle, so must the customer’s vision. Proverbs 29:18 says, “where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heed’s wisdom’s instruction” (New International Version, 1973/2011). The wisdom needed for a successful project cannot be limited to an individual or certain parties. Instead, it is the collaborative wisdom that comes from the Project customer, the PM, and the stakeholders combined and is applied to a project with the appropriate methodology that leads a project to success.

Student 2: Fredric Lewis

The Agile Manifesto and the PMBOK have two different standards towards project management the compliment each other and also offer different perspectives and practices. The four core values of the Agile Manifesto are individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan (Pacagnella 2023). The Agile Manifesto embodies values and principles that are related to the fields of simplicity, collaboration, self-organization, and a response to change. It emphasizes an iterative approach to planning and implementation, focusing on continuous improvement through regular feedback loops and adjustments based on emerging needs and changes in scope or objectives. Additionally, a great importance on open communication, mutual respect, and clarity among all parties involved to facilitate successful completion of the project. Some of the methodologies include Scrum, Lean, and XP that are specifically tailored to certain projects/industries. It finds that the rapid pace of technological change and rise in business uncertainty made the time ripe for the introduction of Agile methodology, as it was able to tap into the mood of the moment and offer a welcome alternative to traditional methods like Taylorism (Kakar 2023).

PMBOK presents a thorough set of instructions spanning all phases of the project lifecycle from commencement to conclusion, delivering industry-specific language and widely accepted procedures to streamline communication and synchronize actions across diverse initiatives. It utilizes conventional sequential planning and adheres to typical preventative risk measures, procurement protocols, human resources administration, stakeholder liaising, cost regulation and more. Agile prioritizes flexibility, cooperation, and ongoing refinement through repeating updates and hasty adjustments to shifting conditions. By contrast, PMBK leans towards ordered steps and formal instruments optimal for oversight of intricate ventures with definite targets and limitations. When it comes to planning, agile features concise, recurrent schedules modified as necessitated by altered priorities, while PMBK showcases prolonged, step by step goals, milestones, risks, assets, and deadlines explicitly.

Ephesians 1:13-14 says, “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the Gospel of you salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of his glory.” This passage highlights God’s authority over all aspects of life and the universe and can be seen as providing comfort and hope in times of uncertainty or chaos. For customers involved in projects, this passage provides reassurance that even though they are facing difficult decisions or complex problems during their work process, ultimately there exists a greater plan at play which will lead towards success if trusted to him.

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