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BMCC Gender Development Questions

BMCC Gender Development Questions


Your assignment is to watch a children’s television show and to make note of the ways in which gender is portrayed by the characters represented in the program. Questions you might have in mind while watching include:

Are boys and girls portrayed according to gender stereotypes?

Are the parents?



What type of play do boys and girls engage in?

Do the parents relate differently to boys than girls?

What about clothing? toys? etc.?

Tell us about anything you notice in the show.

What gender messages do you think are being sent to children who watch this show?

To what extent should we encourage children to develop and follow gender prescribed roles?

To what extent should children be encouraged to become androgynous? Do you think they may be social and cultural situations in which being androgynous would not work in our favor?

Do we harm children by requiring them to adhere to social guidelines rather than allowing them to follow their natural (biological) inclinations?

feedback student:

Gender Development


Your assignment is to watch a children’s television show and to make note of the ways in which gender is portrayed by the characters represented in the program. Questions you might have in mind while watching include:

The show I decided to watch for this question is the 2001 Disney channel sitcom “Lizzie McGuire”.

Are boys and girls portrayed according to gender stereotypes?

Yes, very much so. The episode I decided to watch immediately started out with the main character, Lizzie, not wanting to participate in gym class because she didn’t want to get sweaty and gross. Right from the beginning they are portraying her as a stereotypical pre-teen girl. The boys are being portrayed stereotypically, I think, as well by undermining the activities the girls are doing because they think its dumb or because they can’t understand why girls do the things they do.

Are the parents?

I think the parents are stereotypical in how parents are portrayed in almost every sitcom. The mom is a typical mom who’s trying to be the “cool mom” with their daughter and son, and the dad is always kind of just in the background and a little more aloof to everything.


Lizzie has a little brother who is definitely portrayed as a stereotypical boy and little brother. He’s always in her business, he’s always playing rough, and they can never seem to get along. Her brother, Matt, loves to also play pranks on her and do crazy things that “only boys can do”, but luckily, he doesn’t get away with it, and the parents are always punishing him, while his sister rarely gets reprimanded.


The main characters guy friend falls under the category of extremely smart and good with math, which from the readings has been suggested as a strong suit for men. I find it suggestive that Lizzies girl best friend is not the smart one in the group, or even Lizzie herself.

What type of play do boys and girls engage in?

Since the characters are pre-teens, they engage in typical preteen fashion. The girls swoon over any cute boys who talk to them, and the cute boys know that all the girls think that they are just so cool and can get away with it. It’s the classic cat a mouse game that I think most preteen girls and boys play at that age.

Do the parents relate differently to boys than girls?

Yes, the mom is usually always on the daughter’s side in defending her growing independence, and the dad treats her like a little princess who should’nt be able to go out and interact with boys yet, and he usually is always on her brother’s side. So, the women relate more to the girls and the men relate more to the boys in the show. When there was an incident in the show, and Lizzie was upset with her mom, her dad tried to talk to her, but was not helpful in correcting the situation, and her mom didn’t think he was capable of fixing the situation, since he was her dad and this needed a “women’s touch”. True that most men don’t know how to deal with teenage girls, but I don’t think that they can’t help in any situations, as perceived in the show.

What about clothing? toys? etc.?

For Lizzie, her clothes are typical of a typical pre-teen girl. She dresses very girly, wearing a good amount of pink, and all the cute girly hair accessories of the time like colorful headbands and butterfly clips. Toys in this case, are not an aspect in this show since the main characters are too old for toys, but they do show her room which is pink, very girls and still full of her childhood stuffed animals and dolls. Her room is also littered with teen magazines, because all girls love reading gossip magazines and taking the obviously inaccurate quizzes on what color nail polish best suits you. Even though she is too old to play with the toys in her room, on the bus, Lizzie and her girl best friend, partake in making wish catchers and friendship bracelets, like all girls did in at that time.

Tell us about anything you notice in the show.

What gender messages do you think are being sent to children who watch this show?

While the show was aimed for a young audience and known only to me and my peers as entertaining at the time it came out, it inadvertently conveyed certain gender stereotypes and expectations, particularly for girls since the main character is a female and the show targets young girls. Lizzie, as the main female character, was shown as a typical teenage girl who experienced things like crushes, fashion, and friendships, and Gordo, the male best friend, was often portrayed as smart and quirky. These portrayals reinforced conventional gender norms and expectations through some of the main characters of the show, as well as the supporting characters like the mom and dad. The interactions between Lizzie and her parents reflected what seemed like traditional parental roles of the time, with her mom often providing guidance about relationships and all teenage girl problems and her dad being depicted as more clueless about teenage matters.

To what extent should we encourage children to develop and follow gender prescribed roles?

I think like everything, it is situational for each individual, but I think no specific gender should be encouraged necessarily. I think if a girl likes to dress girly and play with female appropriate toys, let her, and if she wants to dress like a “tom-boy” and play with male designated toys, let her. Just because a child wants to dress, and act and play in a certain way a child doesn’t mean that later experiences wont impact previous preferences. I think the encouragement for each child largely depends on individual values, cultural norms, and the child’s well-being. I think that it’s important to approach the development of gender roles with flexibility, sensitivity, as well as a supportive environment.

To what extent should children be encouraged to become androgynous? Do you think they may be social and cultural situations in which being androgynous would not work in our favor?

Similar to the above question, I think it is situational for each individual. It’s important to distinguish the difference between encouraging and pushing a child to develop a certain way. I think encouraging a child to become androgynous, maybe without labeling it as so and more so based on the definition as blending or transcending of traditional gender roles and identities. I think it’s important for children to embracing androgyny so it can allow them to explore a wider range of interests and activities, promoting their personal growth and development overall. As for the social, and cultural aspects, being androgynous might not be widely accepted. In a social aspect, children could face challenges, discrimination, or bullying if their appearance or behavior deviates significantly from gender norms. In cultural aspect, strong gender norms of particular cultures, might cause conflict with cultural values and norms, leading to potential tension.

Do we harm children by requiring them to adhere to social guidelines rather than allowing them to follow their natural (biological) inclinations?

I think that there can be harm in some situations, and in others cause no harm at all. I think we need to consider the balance between societal expectations and individual, and how the impact depends on various factors, including the nature of the guidelines, the child’s well-being, and the cultural context. Overall, teaching a child the importance of adapting to different situations while also valuing their personal preferences and inclinations is important for them to maybe understand the reasons behind certain guidelines, and to foster their understanding of a broader context. Striking a balance between adhering to social guidelines versus allowing them to follow their natural inclinations involves fostering a supportive environment where children can explore their interests while learning to navigate societal expectations while prioritizing a child’s well-being, growth, and authentic self-expression.

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