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Analytical Methods in Research ANOVA and Regression Analysis Discussion

Analytical Methods in Research ANOVA and Regression Analysis Discussion


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Part1 –

Juan :

Research Question

In nurses who work in hospitals, how do career professional development (CPD) opportunities impact satisfaction and retention over a one-year period?

Sampling and Data Collection

The sample involves nonprobability sampling that will interview nurses from different hospitals, data collection will be a numerical score-based questionnaire involving different measurement scales related to the research question.

Data Analysis Plan

Based on my plans for sampling and data collection, the best way to analyze the quantitative data is to use ANOVA testing. ANOVA can be used to compare the statistical significance of two or more variables (Tappen, 2016). In this case, I would be using the results of a nurse’s level of satisfaction and their level of intent to stay as gathered from the data collection compared to the availability of CPD within their organization. Using the ANOVA testing will show if any values were statistically significant, inferring a relationship that CPD has on nursing job satisfaction and/or nurse retention rates in a one-year period. Since satisfaction and access to CPD opportunities may be positively related, we can use both values to see if there is any significance when compared to their intent to stay (Tappen, 2016). With this kind of data analysis, we can infer if there is a relationship among these values.


My research questions are, how does nurse-to-patient ratio affect patient mortality rates in critical care settings and what is the association between nurse-to-patient ratio and patient satisfaction in critical care settings? To answer these research questions, I would employ regression analysis as the primary quantitative analysis method. Regression analysis allows for the examination of the relationship between a dependent variable (patient outcomes) and one or more independent variables (nurse-to-patient ratio). In this case, the dependent variable can be patient mortality rates or patient satisfaction, while the independent variable is the nurse-to-patient ratio. Regression analysis is suitable because it allows for the identification and quantification of the relationship between variables. This can help determine the strength and direction of the association between nurse-to-patient ratio and patient outcomes, controlling for other potential confounding factors. Additionally, regression analysis can provide insights into the magnitude of the effect and allow for predictions of patient outcomes based on different nurse-to-patient ratio scenarios.

Part 2 –


Research Question: In individuals aged 65 and above with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia, does resveratrol supplementation, compared to placebo, result in improved cognitive function?

Independent Variable: The independent variable for this study is resveratrol supplementation. This variable is manipulated to observe its impact on cognitive function.
Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is cognitive function. It is measured as an outcome of the study and is assessed using cognitive tests.
Research Hypothesis: In individuals aged 65 and above with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia, resveratrol supplementation will lead to statistically significant improvement in cognitive function compared to those who receive a placebo.
Null Hypothesis: In individuals aged 65 and above with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia, there will be no statistically significant improvement in cognitive function between those who receive resveratrol supplementation and those who receive a placebo.


My research topic is the medical use of ozone and my question is whether or not the use of ozone (O3) is more efficacious than continued antibiotic treatment for MDROs. I hypothesize that O3 can kill MDROs while offering fewer side effects, reduced readmission, and reduced mortality rates compared to its antibiotics counterparts. What I aim to disprove (my null hypothesis) is that O3 has dangerous side effects and is costly to dispense. Since dependent variables are what happens as a result of the independent variable (National Library of Medicine, 2023), I believe my independent variables are the patient’s infections and treatments/ dosing while my dependent variables are the patient outcomes. So far I am having fun with this research despite the many challenges as a cannot locate a research project of this kind to simulate.

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