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ACN Philosophy Position Paper Abortion Morality Research Paper

ACN Philosophy Position Paper Abortion Morality Research Paper


For your Final Paper, select and answer one of the following questions:

  • Is ethics relative or absolute? Defend your answer.
  • Which of the three main ethical views (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics) is the most defensible, in your opinion? Why? Address the objections to your chosen view.
  • Do animals have rights? Defend your answer.
  • Do we have a moral obligation to the poor? If so, how much of an obligation do we have?
  • Is abortion moral? Address the objections to/weaknesses of your chosen stance
  • Create your own topic – if there is some other ethical question you are interested in exploring, reach out to me via email

Research Paper Guideline: 

Your paper must be five to seven pages double­-spaced. You must take a clear stance on your question (no “yes and ­no” answers), making a straightforward claim/thesis statement in your introductory paragraph (for example: “Ethics is relative” or “Animals do not have rights”). Do your best to come up with your own arguments for your answer, although you are allowed to draw on the assigned readings. Lastly, you must at some point in your paper address potential objections to/weaknesses of the answer you chose.

My Claim: I think abortion is up to a woman and no man should ever have a say in what a woman decides to do with her body. 

In the realm of abortion, I perceive a multifaceted discourse that hinges fundamentally upon a woman’s agency to make decisions about her own body. My viewpoint has evolved over time. In my earlier years, as a woman myself, I held the conviction that abortion was morally objectionable. However, my perspective underwent a transformation as I delved deeper into the experiences of young women who have endured rape and molestation, situations often beyond their control.

Acknowledging the harrowing reality that many women face, I recognize the ethical complexity of insisting that a traumatized woman must bear a child resulting from such distressing circumstances. The emotional toll of daily remembrance, coupled with the potential prospect of raising a child born from trauma, poses a dilemma that cannot be understated. The persistent nature of trauma serves as a poignant reminder that our capacity to manage emotions and sentiments does not erase the enduring impact of past events.

In summary, I believe that the discourse surrounding abortion necessitates an empathetic and nuanced understanding of the diverse circumstances women may encounter. Granting women the autonomy to choose their path acknowledges the intricacies of their lives, respects their agency, and acknowledges the profound impact of trauma on their well-being.

Component of the Paper

Introduction:  Create a succinct introduction of your paper.

Body of the Paper: Specify your question and explain what the meaning of your question is.  Give some examples that help the reader understand what kind of dilemmas this question might product.

Provide your answer to the question and defend your answer.  Why do you think your answer is the correct answer? If your position were to prevail, what do you think the effects will be?

Describe opposing opinions and how you think they would defend their position.  If your opponents’ position were to prevail, what do you think the effects will be? Address weaknesses in the argument, that other people might target. 

Conclusions:  Briefly summarize the main points of your paper.

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