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System Development Techniques

System Development Techniques

System Development Techniques

Diploma in Information Technology System Development Techniques

Instruction for CA3 Individual Assignment July 2021 Semester

Continual Assessment 3 Individual Assignment (40%) Task: 1. Discuss the software development and systems analysis and design 2. Explain the systems development life cycle 3. Explain the iterative development 4. Discuss the systems requirements 5. Discuss the information-gathering techniques 6. Explain the documenting workflows with activity diagrams 7. Explain:

a. Use cases and user goals b. Use cases and event decomposition c. Use cases and CRUD d. Use cases diagrams

8. Draw use cases using StarUML a. UML diagramming b. Use case diagram c. Use case description

9. Understand conceptual model 10. Discuss class, association focusing on generalisation, composition and

aggregation 11. Describe the extending requirements models 12. Explain the use case descriptions 13. Discuss the system sequence diagram 14. Describe the integrating requirements models 15. Describe design system inputs and outputs 16. Draw use cases using StarUML

a. Class diagram b. Sequence diagram

17. Discuss the inputs and outputs for system design 18. Explain system architecture 19. Discuss the SDLC methodologies, models, tools and techniques 20. Discuss the difference approaches to software construction and modelling 21. Explain Agile development 22. Discuss on the bridging from analysis to implementation 23. Explain object-oriented architectural design 24. Explain the object-oriented detailed design 25. Explain the design with communication diagrams 26. Describe the MVC design pattern 27. Explain use case realisation with sequence diagrams 28. Design object-oriented and use case realisation

This assignment will make use of what you have learnt in: 1. Systems Requirements 2. Use Cases 3. Introduction to CASE tool – StarUML 4. Domain Modelling 5. Extending Requirements Models 6. Essentials of Systems Design 7. Approaches to System Development 8. Object-Oriented Design 9. Advanced Systems Design Concepts 10. Use Case Realisations

Case Study: Part 1: Current System Analysis and Design (50 marks) “While Singapore’s digital push began long before the COVID-19 pandemic, the past year has propelled us into a new digital normal. To support the rapid growth of the country’s digital ecosystem, a ready pool of talent is needed to drive new frontiers. Accordingly, in recent months, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) has introduced various initiatives to attract, train and develop a strong pipeline of tech professionals along with its industry partners.” Source: Singapores-digital-future-with-a-career-in-tech To support the above initiative by IMDA, Gov Tech Singapore ( has decided to roll out a IT Talent Management System (ITTMS) for companies to manage their staffs IT skills. This system allows each company ITTMS administrator to manage all the staff’s IT skills records in the company. User Stories:

• As a ITTMS administrator, I can perform CRUD on IT skill records so that I can update the latest skills information requirements.

• As a ITTMS administrator, I can assign or remove staff skill record, so that the staff skill records are up to date.

• As a staff, I can view my IT skills listing, so that I can know my current IT competency.

Note: CRUD is Create. Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations. There will be one administrator for this system, that is ITTMS administrator. Both administrator and staffs need to login to the system to use ITTMS. All data are stored in a database (e.g. MySQL) The current critical IT skills identified are:

• Java 2 Enterprise Edition • C# .Net • Oracle database administration • MySQL database administration • Azure cloud administration • AWS cloud administration
You as the System Analyst at Gov Tech Singapore has been assigned to design the ITTMS. A first cut of ITTMS has been developed in Java for testing. You are to develop and submit the following UML documents based on the User Stories and implemented Java codes:

a. Use case diagram and description (10 marks) b. Class diagram (10 marks) c. Sequence diagram (20 marks) d. Package diagram (10 marks)

Part 2: System Enhancement (50 marks) Propose two more Use cases that are useful for this system. Explain why the two Use cases are useful for this system Submit the following documents for each proposed Use case

a. Explanation of the usefulness of this Use Case (2 marks x2) b. User Stories (3 marks x2) c. Use case diagram and description (5 marks x 2) d. Class diagram (5 marks x 2) e. Sequence diagram (5 marks x 2) f. Implemented Java codes (5 marks x 2)

Report format 1. The report should have a cover page, content page, introduction, write-up on the

task, conclusion, references and appendices

2. The cover page should include: i. Institution name (and institution logo) the programme ii. Module name, semester and year iii. Date of submission iv. Student’s name and student ID numbers

3. Each question should be a separate section 4. The references should be presented in Harvard format and should have at least

THREE (3) references. Report Word Limit 2000 to 2500 words Report Font and Spacing Font: Calibri, black coloured Font size: 12 and 1 ½ or double spacing. Penalty Marks for Late Submission By one day: 20% to be deducted from total marks. More than one day: submission will NOT be graded. Plagiarism and Collusion The submitted report must show evidence that this is students’ own work. No marks will be awarded if there are no workings or reasonable explanations. Please be reminded that plagiarism and collusion is a serious offence, and all cases will be referred to the administration. Grades will be withheld if the submission is suspected for plagiarism or collusion till investigations are completed. Important Deadlines CA3 Written Report Deadline: 16th Aug 2021, 11.59 a.m. Submit the softcopy of your report via D2L/eGlobal. Marking Rubic The marking rubic for this written report can be found in the appendix of this assignment. Lecturer Contact You should contact your lecturer via your SIM email whenever you have any issue about your project. You may send your email to:

Marking Guide Part 1 Marking rubric for Use Case diagram and description Excellent Very good Good Acceptable Weak Use cases are included. Both the use case diagram and description are present. The use cases accurately represent the main functions of the system including the appropriate actors. Use cases are clear and easy to understand with very few syntactic errors (diagramming errors).

Use cases are included. Both the use case diagram and the description are present. The use cases represent most of the system functionality with only a few missing pieces. The use have a few minor logical problems contributing to some small lack of understanding. The use cases contain a few syntactic errors (diagramming errors) but these do not cause any lack of clarity for the reader.

Use cases are included, but the textual description is missing or does not accurately describe the use case. Some use cases are missing. The use cases are generally unclear. The use cases contain many diagramming errors that slow down the reader.

Use cases are included, but many core functions are missing from the use cases. The textual descriptions are missing or do not add understanding or clarity to the use case. Overall the use cases confuse more than they help. The use cases contain many diagramming errors that cause them to be extremely hard to understand.

No use cases present.

Marking rubric for Class Diagram Excellent Very good Acceptable Weak Class diagram uses UML correctly to depict the classes in the right format. All classes that are needed are present, and the level of detail is acceptable. Class diagram is missing some obvious classes that should be present. Class diagram doesn’t correctly depict relationships among classes. (Missing cardinality, inheritance, etc…) Class diagram is missing many required classes, relationships or cardinalities. Class diagram very poorly reflects the rest of the design

Class diagram uses UML correctly to depict the classes in the right format. All classes that are needed are present, and the level of detail is acceptable. Class diagram is missing some obvious classes that should be present. Class diagram doesn’t correctly depict relationships among classes. (Missing cardinality, inheritance, etc…) Class diagram is missing many required classes, relationships or cardinalities. Class diagram very poorly reflects the rest of the design

Class diagram uses UML correctly to depict the classes in the right format. All classes that are needed are present, and the level of detail is acceptable. Class diagram is missing some obvious classes that should be present. Class diagram doesn’t correctly depict relationships among classes. (Missing cardinality, inheritance, etc…) Class diagram is missing many required classes, relationships or cardinalities. Class diagram very poorly reflects the rest of the design

No Class diagram presented

Sequence diagram Excellent Very good Acceptable Weak Sequence diagram is correct, has appropriate arrows which are horizontal. Correctly depicts scenario.

Sequence diagram depicts the scenario but has some invalid UML syntax.

Sequence diagram is unclear, or does not correctly reflect the scenario. Diagram does not follow UML.

No Sequence diagram presented.

Package diagram Excellent Very good Acceptable Weak Package diagram is correct, has appropriate arrows which are horizontal. Correctly depicts scenario.

Package diagram depicts the scenario but has some invalid UML syntax.

Package diagram is unclear or does not correctly reflect the scenario. Diagram does not follow UML.

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