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PSYC3125 Imagined Conversations: Women Past And Feminist Presence

PSYC3125 Imagined Conversations: Women Past And Feminist Presence

PSYC3125 Imagined Conversations: Women Past And Feminist Presence

Psychology’s Feminist Voices Scavenger Hunt: Women Past

Discover the answers to these questions using the Women Past section of the Psychology’s Feminist Voices website ( This assignment will familiarize you with the website and the women of psychology’s past.

• On whose profile is there a photograph of that individual climbing a tree?


• Who described her recruitment of subjects in one of her studies as follows: “I located

subjects by driving around looking for diapers drying on clotheslines”?


• Who challenged the dominant notion of the 1930s that psychoanalysts required a medical



• What Russian-born psychologist became a psychological evaluator of men deemed suitable

for intelligence (spy) work during WWII in the United States?


• What developmental psychologist is best known for her work on the Berkeley Growth

Study, and for demonstrating that over the course of a child’s development, height is most

closely correlated with head circumference?


• Which psychologist’s first name differs from that of her husband by only one letter?


• Who was the first woman to become a member of the Gesellschaft für die experimentelle

Psychologie (the German Society for Experimental Psychology)?


• Who was the first female psychologist to have a United States postage stamp issued in her



• Which early psychologist published observations of her niece’s development?





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• Who developed the concept of “womb envy” as an alternative to the Freudian concept of

penis envy?


• Who was the first woman to lead the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society?


• Who collaborated with E. G. Boring on three studies of the status of women in American



• Who was the first African American psychologist to be licensed in Virginia?


• Who was the first female president of the Canadian Psychological Association?


• Which psychologist’s scientific work (conducted with her husband) on black children’s self-

perception influenced the Supreme Court’s decision in the 1954 Brown versus Board of

Education of Topeka Case?


• Which psychologist is best known for the “visual cliff” experiment?


• Who was the first woman in the United States to head a psychology department at a state



• Which psychologists wrote about cultural bias in testing children in Yucatan, Mexico such

as the Minnesota Preschool Tests with Mayan children in 1939?


• Which psychologist was prevented from attending prominent social psychologist William

McDougall’s seminars at Harvard on the grounds that she was a woman?


• Which psychologist was named the most prominent living woman in psychology in the

English-speaking world and was elected president of the American Psychological

Association in 1972?




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• Which educational psychologist was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize three times?


• Which Stanford psychologist was a devout Quaker?


• Which psychologist published a dissertation on eminent women under James McKeen

Cattell and Robert S. Woodworth?


• Which psychologist married her fellow graduate student with whom she would later share a

professional relationship writing about reproduction and the influence of hormones on



• Which psychologist’s research on level of aspiration led to her studies becoming known

classics in the field?

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