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Identify a perceptual trick or illusion that you are interested in

Identify a perceptual trick or illusion that you are interested in

Identify a perceptual trick or illusion that you are interested in

Identify a perceptual trick or illusion that you are interested in. Describe the illusion and how it impacts human perception. Then describe how it has been used in film, photography, or other forms of art. Choose at least two examples. Provide a description of the artwork or film in which the perceptual trick was used (For example the name of the painting and artist or the name of a film and director and what scene it is from). Why do you think it was used in the art work, film, or photograph? Do you think the illusion was effective in achieving the desired perceptual distortion? Your discussion should be one page double-spaced in APA format.

Introduction To Perception

Learning objectives: By the end of this presentation you will be able to…

describe the role of bottom-up (sensation) and top-down processes in perception; explain how “perception makes sense of sensory information.”

identify problems that perception must overcome and give examples; recognize these as part of the more general problems of cognition.

By describing top-down processes that make sense of bottom-up (sensory) information, explain the perception of 1) objects, 2) speech and 3) pain


I. Bottom-Up (Sensory) & Top-Down Processes in Perception











Bottom-up process whereby

sensory receptors receive

stimulus energy, convert

that energy into neural impulses, and deliver that information to higher levels of mental processing for integration

Top-down process whereby higher-level mental processes

organize and interpret sensory

information; the “mental glue”

that “makes sense” of sensory



Introduction To Perception


Introduction To Perception

II. Problems For Perception

the problems for perception are the problems for cognition generally, that the environment is ambiguous.

example 1: inverse projection problem…


inverse projection problem -problem (faced by the mind) of working backwards from the retinal image to determine the shape of the originating object.


Introduction To Perception

II. Problems For Perception

the problems for perception are the problems for cognition generally, that the environment is ambiguous.

example 1: inverse projection problem…

example 2: incomplete information…


Whose face is this?

Can’t tell? Try looking obliquely; try squinting.

Why would squinting improve recognition? Squinting reduces sensory information.

Reducing sensory information allows perception to play a greater role making sense of sensory information.


Introduction To Perception

II. Problems For Perception

the problems for perception are the problems for cognition generally, that the environment is ambiguous.

example 1: inverse projection problem…

example 2: incomplete information…


Introduction To Perception

III. Examples of Perception At Work

note: look for how top-down processes make sense of bottom-up (sensory) information

A. Object Perception

Can you identify the objects in the following photgraphs?


Caption: “Multiple personalities of a blob.” What we expect to see in different contexts influences our interpretation of the identity of the “blob” inside the circles.


Introduction To Perception

III. Examples of Perception At Work

note: look for how top-down processes make sense of bottom-up (sensory) information

A. Object Perception

B. Speech Perception



Introduction To Perception

speech segmentation- ability to tell where one word ends and another begins even when there is no physical segmentation in the sound energy, as in…








segmentation is dependent on “top-down” interpretation of language (we cannot segment speech in a foreign language)


Introduction To Perception

III. Examples of Perception At Work

note: look for how top-down processes make sense of bottom-up (sensory) information

A. Object Perception

B. Speech Perception

C. Perception of Pain

placebo effect- the decrease in pain from a substance that has no pharmaceutical effect. Due to expectation that the substance will reduce pain.


pain resides in the brain; so does the placebo effect…


Introduction To Perception

Review: For each, what is the top-down process that makes sense of bottom-up (sensory) information?

A. Object Perception: Personalities of a Blob?

context influenced the interpretation of a blob

B. Speech Perception: Speech Segmentation

language enabled speech segmentation

C. Perception of Pain: Placebo effect

expectations of relief caused placebo effect

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