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Caring For The Mental Health Needs Of Special Populations

Caring For The Mental Health Needs Of Special Populations

Caring For The Mental Health Needs Of Special Populations

For this week’s case study assignment, you will create a presentation to educate other providers about caring for the mental health needs of special populations in psychiatric mental health/primary care.




Review all the learning material for this week; videos, webinars, lectures, articles, and guidelines.

For this week’s case study assignment, you will create a presentation to educate other providers about caring for the mental health needs of special populations in psychiatric mental health/primary care.  Then record voice over for your presentation using PowerPoint, zoom, or Youtube, etc…

You will then upload your recorded presentation file to Youtube for easier access and viewing by faculty and peers.  Please select the UNLISTED option.  This allows your instructor and peers to view and anyone you share the link with but will not publish it to public view.

See instruction here: Creating Private Unlisted Youtube Video Instructions Description: Preview the document

You will submit the link to your video in the assignment dropbox as well as to the discussion board this week.

For your assigned special population, you will provide information for the following listed slides:

o Slide 1:  TITLE SLIDE

o Slide 2:  POPULATION:  Introduction to population

o Slide 3:  PREVALENCE of MENTAL ILLNESS: mental health statistics for this population

o Slide 4:  PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY TX CONSIDERATIONS: medications to avoid and why, considerations r/t pathophysiology and changes for this population (think genetics, renal clearance, blood volume, development, genetics-CYP450, etc…)

o Slide 5: CONTRAINDICATIONS:  are there any specific contraindications to prescribing psychotropic to this population


See your assigned population listed below:

If your LAST NAME starts with A through E please use the following circumstance:

Elderly/Geriatrics: polypharmacy, physiological consideration of aging

If your LAST NAME starts with F through I please use the following circumstance:

Pediatric/Adolescents: considerations for prescribing, FDA approvals

If your LAST NAME starts with J through Q please use the following circumstance:

Perinatal/Lactation: considerations for prescribing, teratogenicity, physiological considerations of pregnancy

If your LAST NAME starts with R through Z please use the following circumstance:  Minority (specific Ethnicities) Groups: specific genetic considerations for metabolism of medication (think CYP450, etc…)

To Submit Your Assignment:

1. Select the  Add Submissions button.

2. Submit your video link.

3. Select  Save Changes.



Unit 5 Assignment – Case Study Presentation Rubric


Unit 5    Assignment – Case Study Presentation Rubric






This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent and   Focus


20 pts

Exemplary/Exceeds     Expectations

In     addition to meeting the expectations, clear examples supported by course     content     and references articulate the relationship to the focus of the assignment     along with the implications to the role of an APRN and the profession of     nursing. Cites three or more references, using at least one new scholarly     resource that was not provided in the course materials. All instruction     requirements noted.

15 pts

Advanced/Meets     Expectations

Components     of the visual assignment are topic focused and accurately and thoroughly     presented via use of evidence-based practice, ethics, theory, and/or role     content. Cites two references. All instruction requirements noted.

10 pts

Intermediate/Needs     Improvement

Components     are mostly accurate and/or ideas may be overstated with minimal     contribution to the subject matter. Minimal application to evidence-based     practice, theory, or role development. Cites one reference, or references     do not clearly support content.

5 pts


Components     do not relate to the topic of the assignment but an attempt was made to     articulate a relationship, or there is no attempt to explain how the     content relates to the topic or why the sources were chosen. Absent     application of evidence-based practice, theory, or role development.     Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate     preparation. No references cited. Submission is late.

0 pts


Assignment     not turned in.

20 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of   Critical Thinking to Analyze, Synthesize, and Apply Knowledge


10 pts

Exemplary/Exceeds     Expectations

Beyond     meeting the expectations, the student offers a clear analysis and synthesis     of content with application of knowledge through robust use of scholarly     citations with critical analysis of the content and the relationship to the     profession of nursing. The knowledge gained from this assignment is     synthesized to indicate a plausible path for utilization within practice as     an APRN. All instruction requirements noted.

8 pts

Advanced/Meets     Expectations

The     assignment submission is complete, providing evidence of synthesis of both     assignment instructions and course content via application and     demonstration of knowledge based on providing correct answers to all posed     questions and use of scholarly resources. Synthesizes course content using     course materials and scholarly resources to support required concepts by     applying content for use in professional practice as an APRN. All     instruction requirements noted.

6 pts

Intermediate/Needs     Improvement

Lacks     clarification or new information. Scholarly reference supports the content     without adding information or insight. Application of knowledge is limited,     demonstrated by an incorrect answer to questions posed with limited     analysis or synthesis of scholarly resources. Self-reflection is limited by     only alluding to a practice application. Synthesis of course content is     present but missing depth and or development.

2 pts


Submission     is primarily a summation of assignment with no further synthesis of course     content or analysis of the scenario. The assignment does not demonstrate     critical evaluations of content and/or connection to sources, course     content, or assignment instructions. Application of knowledge is     insufficient due to two or more incorrect answers to questions posed. The     student did not note an application to personal practice. Demonstrates     incomplete understanding of content and or inadequate preparation.     Submission is late.

0 pts


Assignment     not turned in.

10 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting   of Content and Voiceover (If Applicable)


5 pts

Exemplary/Exceeds     Expectations

Content     is presented in a visually appealing manner and within the assigned length.     Voiceover (if applicable) provides a verbal narrative that has clear     intonation, appropriate pace of speech, and interesting inflection and     animation that easily grabs the viewers’ attention. All instruction     requirements noted.

4 pts

Advanced/Meets     Expectations

Presentation     is clean, with minimal, if any, overuse of text. Submission length is as     assigned. Voiceover (if applicable) provides a verbal narrative that has     clear intonation, appropriate pace of speech, and interesting inflection     and animation. All instruction requirements noted.

3 pts

Intermediate/Needs     Improvement

There is     overuse of text. Submission length is incorrect (i.e., +/- one slide).     Voiceover (if applicable) provides a verbal narrative that has intonation,     pace, or inflection issues that are distracting and/or make the     presentation unclear at times.

2 pts


There is     a significant overuse of text causing distractions and difficulty understanding     the presentation. Voiceover (if applicable) is difficult to understand     and/or follow. Submission demonstrates inadequate preparation. Submission     is late.

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